Saturday, August 31, 2019

Passionate Shepherd to His Love

â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love† is a pastoral poem that is simple yet idealized. This poem was written by Christopher Marlowe who was an English dramatist. Marlowe is considered to be the father of English tragedy. Christopher Marlowe was the eldest son of a shoemaker and was born on February 6, 1564. Through the entire poem the speaker, who is a shepherd, wants a woman character to come live with him. The speaker goes on to ask her to sit on rocks, and spend time with him. The speaker will make his love gifts and do anything to please her if she will just come live with him. The speaker, form, use of poetic elements, and theme of â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love† will be the main discussion in this analysis.Marlow writes this poem in first person. The speaker, which is the shepherd of â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love† conducts his poem in a very dreamlike way. The shepherd opens with the invitation: â€Å"Come live with me, and be m y love.† He is not asking her to marry him but only to live with him. The offer is simply put and the speaker suggests that the woman should just as easily agree. The shepherd obviously only wants her for a period of time. Knowing this, it may make the woman question whether or not she should get involved with this man. The speaker lives in an ideal society where everything is perfect.The shepherd does not really have a care in the world because he lives in his world of simplicity, beauty, and love. Everything is good and happy, from the speaker’s point of view. The shepherd is engaged in romantic and innocent love affairs. â€Å"The Passionate Shepard to His Love† not only is written in iambic pentameter, but this form allows Christopher Marlowe to express his skill of pastoral poetry. This poem is very easy to understand because of the way it is written. The rhyme scheme is very obvious and helps with the flow and form of the poem. This poem has artificial lang uage, and the shepherd spoke just like a man who was only really interested in â€Å"spending time† with this woman.Marlowe added sexuality, and created his own tone in the poem. The tone of â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love† suggests the pastoral tradition. The shepherd asks the woman to imagine an ideal life that is impossible and ridiculous. In exaggerating and creating these fictional ideas, Marlowe creates a pastoral image of fantasy.The poetic elements of â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love† relate to some human senses. Seeing the shepherds feed their flock appeals to the sense of sight. Fragrant posies appeal to the sense of smell. This poem appeals to the human senses so that it appeals to the reader. â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love† combines images and involves song like images to the reader.The overall theme of â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love† is, in my opinion, love and innocence. This poem celebrates th e passion that young people think they have for others, but in reality they are just curiously looking for love. This poem is a carpe diem poem. The shepherd wants his love to â€Å"seize the day† and come live with him. As was stated earlier, obviously the shepherd wants the woman for just a period of time. This is a fantasy-like setting and the poem is much exaggerated, so carpe diem is to be personified in this type of work.Christopher Marlowe was a talented poet. Marlowe’s works were published at the same time as other world renowned writers, and are to be considered just as influential. A warrant was issued for Marlowe's arrest on May 18, 1593. No reason for his arrest was given, but it was thought to be connected to â€Å"allegations of blasphemy†. He was brought before the Privy Council to be questioned, after which he had to report to them daily. Ten days later, he was stabbed to death by Ingram Frizer. Whether the stabbing was connected to his arrest ha s never been resolved. The overall speaker, form, use of poetic elements, and theme of â€Å"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love† affects the reader’s attitude toward the poem. Only the present matters in this poem. The obvious theme of the poem is love. The form and poetic elements lead the reader to more sensually enjoy the expression of it.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Bowen Family Systems, Structural, and Strategic Models Essay

Bowen Family Systems, Structural, and Strategic Models Theory Application The case study of Ana will be analyzed using the Bowen Family Systems Theory Approach. Bowen Family Systems Theory is a theory of human behavior that views the family as an emotional unit and uses systems thinking to describe the complex interactions in the unit (Kerr, 2000). This paper will discuss the concepts of the theory that is appropriate for this case study; the reason this theory was chosen over the other ones; counseling goals and intervention strategies in accomplishing those goals; and designation of short or long term counseling. This paper will also discuss the counselor’s role with Ana; the client’s role in counseling; the population this theory is most appropriate for as well as addressing the social and cultural needs of the client; any additional information that might be helpful to know about this case; and what are the risks, if any, of using this approach. What concepts of the theory make it the most appropriate for the client in the case study? Include at least five concepts. There are five concepts that would make this theory appropriate for the client in the case study. The first concept in this Bowen Family Systems Theory Approach is triangles. What is a triangle? According to Kerr (2000), a triangle is a three-person relationship system. This triangle is a part of a bigger emotional system because a triangle is the smallest stable relationship system. These triangles involve, according to Murdock (2013), two people that are the â€Å"in† group and one person that is the â€Å"outside† group. Triangles form when the anxiety levels rise in a relationship or family (Titelman, 2008). Individuals (or families) with low levels of differentiation are more likely to triangle because more emotion is involved (Kerr, 1981). As a counselor, it is best to pay attention to your client and if they seem to react repeatedly to others, then you can suspect that a triangle has been activated (Murdock, 2013). As for Ana, there is a triangle  that has formed here. She is worried about surviving without her husband being around and figuring out how to make things meet because she is unemployed. The second concept of this theory is differentiation of self. According to Murdock (2013), differentiation deals with the individual as well as the family; however, according to Kerr (2000), the differences between an individual and family reflect the different levels of differentiation to self. A person who has low levels of differentiation are said to react and adjust their way of thinking to better suit the situation that they are in (Kerr, 2000). A person who has a high level of differentiation can keep their cool when conflicts arise (Kerr, 2000). Bowen (1978), refers a low-differentiated individual’s tendency to fuse as a â€Å"common self with others† and is most clearly seen in intimate relationships such as marriages. Titelman (2008), spoke of a pattern called underfunctioning-overfunctioning dynamic where the weaker individual in the family system is the weaker of the two and is more likely to develop symptoms. Ana is the weaker individual in the family since she does not have a job and she feels worried about how to continue with her life. She is hopeless and does not know what to do (Grand Canyon University, 2014). The third concept in this theory is the Nuclear Family Emotional Process. According to Kerr (2000), this concept describes four basic relationship patterns that govern where problems develop in a family. The four problems are marital conflict; dysfunction in one spouse; impairment of one or more children; and emotional distance. In a marital conflict, according to Kerr (2000), as family tension increases and the spouses get more anxious, each spouse ends up focusing on the negative issues about each other. In a dysfunction in one spouse problem, according to Kerr (2000), one spouse pressures the other spouse to think and act one way and then the other spouse yields to that pressure. If anxiety levels rise in these problems, psychiatric, medical, or social dysfunction may develop (Kerr, 2000). In impairment of one or more children problems, according to Kerr (2000), the spouses focus their anxieties on one or more of their children and the children focus their anxiety on them which can ultimately impair school performance, social relationships, and even health (Kerr, 2000). In emotional distance problems, according to Kerr (2000), people distances themselves from others to reduce the intensity of the relationship, but risk  isolation from each other. The fourth concept of this theory is the family projection process. This concept describes the primary way parents transmit their emotional problems to a child (Kerr, 2000). This process can impair the functioning of one or more children and can increase their clinical symptoms. Some problems that children inherit from their parents include the need for attention and approval; difficulty dealing with expectations; the tendency to blame oneself or others; feeling responsible for the happiness of others or that others are responsible for one’s own happiness; and acting impulsively to relieve the anxiety of the moment rather than tolerating anxiety and acting thoughtfully (Kerr, 2000). Parents have different roles in this process: mothers are the primary caretakers and experience more emotional involvement with one or more child and fathers experience the outside of the triangle, except in high level of tensions among the mother and child (children) (Kerr, 2000). Even though Ana’s son is only one years old, problems may arise in him later on in life because of the problems going on at home right now and with the father being deployed. The fifth concept of this theory is multigenerational transmission process. This process describes how small differences in the levels of differentiation between parents and their offspring lead over many generations to marked differences in differentiation among the members of a multigenerational family (Kerr, 2000). Why did you choose this theory over the others? The Family Systems Theory was chosen for the evaluation of Ana’s case study because this theory focuses on the family not just the individual alone. Even though Ana went in for a counseling session alone, there are underlying issues that most likely involve her family as well. What will be the goals of counseling and what intervention strategies are used to accomplish those goals? The goal of the Bowen Family Systems Theory (BFST) is to help an individual or individuals separate from the family (Titelman, 2008). According to Murdock (2013), an individual must remember that this separation does not mean that he or she needs to cut their family from their life. This theory should help an individual alter the way they reactive in relationships and change the way they handle stress (Murdock, 2013). There is an intervention strategy that can help accomplish the goal of the BFST. This strategy is process questioning. According to Murdock (2013), the questions that are asked help an individual avoid the emotion that is associated with content questions. Is the theory designed for short- or long-term counseling? The BFST is designed for long-term counseling. Treatment of an individual can potentially take years to complete, however, it does depend on the individual and well they advance and overcome their treatment goals (Withers, 2012). What will be the counselor’s role with this client? A BFST counselor remains detriangled in this type of counseling session by presenting themselves as objectively and unemotionally (Kerr, 1981; Murdock, 2013). The counselor is there to teach the client about the operation of family systems (Murdock, 2013). In order to effectively treat an individual, according to Murdock (2013), a counselor should undergo their own BFST therapy himself. What is the client’s role in counseling? In a BFST counseling session, a client is assigned the task of journeying home to observe family interactions; put the principles that were learned into effect; and change how he or she interacts with the family (Murdock, 2013). For what population(s) is this theory most appropriate? How does this theory address the social and cultural needs of the client? BFST is contrary to the norms of many cultures because they tend to support separation of individuals and families (Murdock, 2013). BFST approaches cannot really treat close-knit Latino families or African-American families because of their close family relationships with one another (Sue & Sue, 2008; Falicov & Brudner-White, 1983). What additional information might be helpful to know about this case? Some additional information that might be helpful to know about this case is how Ana feels about bringing her family in to counseling sessions to see if there are any underlying issues that need to be resolved. What may be a  risk in using this approach? After researching this theory, â€Å"some aspects of this theory seem to be operationalizable and testable† (Murdock, 2013, p. 451). Even empirical tests of the BFST have produced promising results in areas such as relationships among differentiation; anxiety; relationship satisfaction; and psychological dysfunction (Murdock, 2013; Miller, Anderson, & Keala, 2004). Bowen’s prediction of individuals choosing partners with similar levels of differentiation received mixed results in the literature, with studies confirming and others disconfirming (Murdock, 2013; Day, St, Clair, & Marshall, 1997; Greene & Mabee, 1992; Kosek). However, when BFST is dealt with family or couples processes, research is less supportive. The Bowen Family Systems Theory was the theory chosen for this paper to analyze the case study of Ana. This paper discussed the concepts of the theory that is appropriate for this case study; the reason this theory was chosen over the other ones; counseling goals and intervention strategies in accomplishing those goals; and designation of short or long term counseling. This paper also discussed the counselor’s role with Ana; the client’s role in counseling; the population this theory is most appropriate for as well as addressing the social and cultural needs of the client; any additional information that might be helpful to know about this case; and what are the risks, References Bowen, M. (1978). Family therapy in clinical practice. New York: Jason Aronson. Day, H. D., St. Clair, S., & Marshall, D. D. (1997). Do people who marry really have the same level of differentiation of self? Journal of Family Psychology, 11 doi: 10.1037//0893-3200.11.1.131 Falicov, C.J., & Brudner-White, L. (1983). The shifting family triangle: The issue of cultural and contextual relativity. In J.C. Hansen & C.J. Falicov (Eds.). Cultural perspectives in family therapy. Rockville, MD: Aspen Systems. Greene, G.J., & Mabee, T. F. (1992). Differentiation of self and marital adjustment of clinical and nonclinical spouses. In B.J. Brothers (Ed.), Couples therapy, multiple perspectives: In search of universal threads. New York: Haworth Press. Grand Canyon University (2014). Case study analysis. Kerr, M.E. (1981). Family systems theory and therapy. In A.S. Gurman & D.P. Kniskern (Eds.), Handbook of family therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel. Kerr, Michael E. (2000). One Family’s Story: A Primer on Bowen Theory. The Bowen Center for the Study of the Family. Retrieved from http://www Miller, R.B., Anderson, S., & Keala, D.K. (2004). Is Bowen theory valid? A review of basic research. Journal if Marital and Family Therapy, 30, doi: 10.1111/j.1752.0606.2004.tb01255.x Murdock, N. (2013). Theory Is a Good Thing. In Theories of counseling and psychotherapy: A case approach (Third ed., p. 4). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: rill/Prentice Hall. Sue, D. W., & Sue, D. (2008). Counseling the culturally diverse: Theory and practice (5th Ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Titelman, P. (2008). The concept of the triangle in Bowen theory: An overview. In P. Titelman (Ed.), Triangles: Bowen family systems theory perspectives New York: Routledge. Withers, R. (2012). A comparative study of Bowenian system theory and cognitive-behavioral family therapy. Retrieved from

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Managing Homework

The point of view in managing homework focused on teaching strategy used by the teacher, to convey students to learn subject matter that has been discussed in class. When motivating students to learn, there’s likely to be to be a few students, if not many, do not understand the subject matter. Likewise, effective teaching can be measured by amount of learning the students get. Teachers should find means to let students have greater learning acquired through teaching and learning process. Teaching strategy is one of the factors to consider in determining the degree of learning that takes place. One of the tasks of the teacher’s lesson plan is giving assignments or homework to students. Effective teacher corporate and plan well lesson and incorporate there in the lesson plan the quality homework to ensure thorough learning. Also, a good homework is the one that is structured in the planning ahead of time.  The role of the teacher in the classroom is a good planner and a manager of his or her own class. The teacher should see to it that giving homework would be a part of the teaching strategy that is imparted to students. A good teaching strategy is the one that includes to ensure students homework that are well and properly planned. A good homework reflects teacher’s effective means of managing the student learning process. Thus,† homework should contain consolidated skills†(Newsam, Peter, Teaching and Learning) already taught by the teacher and the students has a wide knowledge of the skills needed to make the homework accomplished. That skill that has been learned and mastered by students is the one to used in the making of the homework. It’s just a sort of applying those skills in real situation outside classroom, that is, the home. So that in they’re respective house, the parents acts as the substitutes in the absence of the teacher. There is still continuous learning that takes though there is absence of teacher’s guidance and motivation. Let us take for example skills acquired in learning counting numbers in mathematics subject. In the classroom teacher in math teaches the students how to count by using four operation skills. Objectively, students have mastered all those acquired skills in the teachers teaching in the classroom. But students of course don’t apply yet thoroughly those skills that have been acquired. Definitely, students should continuously learn at home by applying in real situation. These aspects, of continuous learning at home by making homework will help lessen errors, when the teacher gave the time of assessment to students. So definitely effective learning takes place on the students. There is no hard time for the teacher to teach the students when proper instruction in classroom is given. It is important that you let the students know that you believed on him or her and recognized the effort they’ve done. These statements addresses, â€Å"She needs to see you’re â€Å"in her corner† –they’re to listen, provide support and guidance, and seek help for her† (, cited by Speer, 2005), giving importance to the student’s homework. Also the assignment is in line with the present lessoning that teacher taught in the class. This reminds the students that homework should be accomplish since its important. References: 1. Newsam, Peter, Guest Essay. Retrieved October 1, 2006. Teaching and Learning. Retrieved from Microsoft Encarta Premium Suite 2005. 2. Speer, Pat, Editor in chief. July 1, 2005. Managing Change Requires Diligence, Homework and Systematic Approach to CEO’s Office. Retrieved October 1, 2006, from htt// item=36893&norate=up.            

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Analysis of Income Tax Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Analysis of Income Tax - Assignment Example   There are quite a few changes that have been made to the original figure provided in the scenario, the reason for the changes made are listed below: Note 1: These incomes have previously been included in the gross profit, originally these incomes should not have been added to the gross profit as these incomes are not related to Thomas’s business, and these incomes are related to his private investments. These incomes will be catered to in the total taxable income section that will shortly follow and the gain on disposal of the machinery will be discussed in the capital gains section. Note2: Thomas owns the business and thus all the profit he earns from his business is his own, he is not allowed to devote a sum namely as his salary that will qualify as a tax expense. Note 3: Council Tax for Thomas’s house is not related to his business Note 4: Replacement of house front door is his private expenditure which cannot be included in his business expenditures. Note 5: It has been provided in the scenario that the car is 40% used for Thomas’s private use, thus the expense on patrol will be deducted by 40%, it has been assumed that the patrol used is on the car that is partly used by Thomas. Note 6: Repairs to the car will also be reduced by 40%, as the car is also used for private purposes. Note 7: Insurance and Road fund tax will also be reduced respectively according to the private use of the car. Note 8: Subscription to the Liberal-Democrat Party will not qualify as a business expense as it does not relate to the business, it is a private expense. Note 9: Providing donation to son’s school is a private expenditure, it cannot be added to the business account. Note 10: The depreciation that has been deducted from the net profit is used by using the accountancy principles; however this figure cannot be used for tax purposes. Note 11: Flowers taken home by Thomas is regarded as a withdrawal from the business, the cost of the flowers are not allowed to be added to the cost of the flowers sold by Thomas, the cost of the flowers which are calculated to be 325 will be added back to the net profit originally calculated. Note 12: The depreciation is replaced by the taxation depreciation that is known as capital allowance, this allowance is calculated by using the guidelines that are provided by the governments of different countries, the rule here used is based on United Kingdom guidelines (HMRC). The detailed calculation of the capital allowance is shown below: Annual Investment Allowance:? Machinery Purchased 20,000 Excavating Equipment 21,000 Computer Equipment used for Inventory Control 8,000 Total Annual Investment Allowance 49,000 According to the guidelines provided by the United Kingdom HM Revenue and Customs, a business can claim Annual Investment Allowance; this opportunity has been provided to the businesses to encourage them  to invest in machinery.  

Parenting and Support Needs of a Multi-Risk Family Case Study

Parenting and Support Needs of a Multi-Risk Family - Case Study Example There are several reasons that the Angela Greer family would request for services and referral. To begin with, the mother needed referrals to enable her to abstain from taking drugs since she was a drug addict. For instance, when their second child, Monique was born, she tested positive for cocaine and there were traces of other opiates in her body system as well. Angela needed referral and counseling to help her stop abusing drugs and take good care of the children from the children’s father was currently in prison serving fifteen-year sentence for weapons charges and drug trafficking. There was a need for her to abstain from taking drugs and focus on how to take care of the children because she was the only one to play this responsibility. In addition, another reason for referral and request for service of this family was to ensure that the children have an access to education and good care. This is because the two children were placed under the care of their grandmother Lor etta while Angela was under treatment and counseling. The grandmother lives under fixed income that is insufficient to take care of the children as well as paying school fees for Shantae. The grandmother, Loretta is also old and suffers from arthritis and high blood pressure and this makes her unable to take the children to school every now and then. Requesting for service has highly helped the children to continue with their education as well as catering for school fees the two parents are unable to pay for the fees.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Visual analysis of biopic film 'Citizen Kane' and its underlying Essay

Visual analysis of biopic film 'Citizen Kane' and its underlying feature - Essay Example The film received nine Oscar nominations, but won only one for Best Original Screenplay (Citizen, 1997). The pessimistic theme of the spiritually failed man is illustrated from various unreliable points of view or perspectives, of different characters. This at times provides a contradictory and non-sequential portrait. The film illustrates the tragic story of a rags-to-riches child who was lucky to inherit a fortune. The child was taken by a wealthy banker, from his father, mother and humble surroundings. He was raised by the banker, and he eventually became a very wealthy, energetic and arrogant newspaperman. He built his reputation as a generous champion of the poor and the underprivileged in the society. This is because he had his mind focused on a political career (Jonathan, 2007). However, his political aspirations shuttered following the revelation of an improper love affair with a professional singer. The life of Kane was self-destructed due to the desire of fulfilling the ultimate American dream of power, success, wealth, fame, and immortality. Following his two failed marriages, he turned into a tyrannical monster. He spent his final days alone and unhappy (Christey, 2004). He met his death in a refuge of his desire, a magnificent castle filled with treasured possessions to make up for the emptiness in his life. The film created controversy before it was shown on May 1, 1941 in New York City. This is because it was believed to caricaturize and fictionalizes unique events and persons related to William Randolph Hearst (Higham, 1985). Hearst was a very powerful and influential publisher and newspaper magnate during that time. The controversy as a result of the film also entailed ruthless suppression during early 1941, due to FBI investigations, newspaper smears, intimidation, discrediting, and blackmail. The film faced accusations of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Financial Status and Policy of ConocoPhillips Case Study

Financial Status and Policy of ConocoPhillips - Case Study Example Its refinement technology focuses on upgrading high-grade petroleum coke and removing sulfur. With approximately 32,700 employees in 40 countries, it has assets of $171 billion with core competencies in petroleum exploration, production, refining, supply, marketing and transportation as well as natural gas gathering and processing and chemicals and plastics production. The company has a 50 percent interest in Colorado-based natural gas liquid producer DCP Midstream, LLC and Texas-based petrochemical company Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC. This paper will provide an assessment of the existing company in terms of its current status, including stock trading and financial standing, and the issues that have significant effect on its performance. ConocoPhillips is actually the recent marriage between two pioneer oil companies in the US, Conoco Inc. and Phillips Petroleum Company. The two companies merged on August 30, 2002 amidst some speculation that the $15.5 Billion deal was a necessary move for the two contenders to avoid being out-competed by bigger petroleum companies. At the time of the merger, oil prices had taken a disastrous turn downward that threatened the survival of smaller gas companies. The merger was expected to save about $750 million in overhead costs, mostly based on planned downsizing of some of the combined roster of 58,000 employees. ("Analysts: Phillips-Conoco merge to survive," 2001) Isaac Elder Blake founded Conoco in November 25, 1875 as the Continental Oil and Transportation Co. that would bring in petroleum in bulk to the pioneers of Ogden, Utah, making it more affordable and convenient for individual use. In the course of operations, Blake developed new uses for petroleum including benzene, ready mixed paints, birthday candles and paraffin chewing wax, but the focus was more on gasoline for use in automobiles. Continental built the first filling station in the West in 1909. By 1913, Continental was the top petroleum marketer in the Rocky Mountain region and an attempt by Standard Oil to take over the company was rebuffed by order of the Supreme Court. In 1929, Continental Oil merged with Oklahoma-based Marland Oil because each company could benefit from each other's strengths, marketing know how from the former and supply of crude oil for the latter and was named Continental Oil Company, assets including 3,000 wells and retail outlets in 30 states. Conoco st ock began trading in the New York Stock Exchange in September 15, 1929, just in time for the stock market crash. The company survived only by drastically cutting overhead costs and expanding refinery capacity under the direction of Dan Moran. He was succeeded by Leonard F. McCollum who led Conoco overseas, acquiring oil fields in Dubai and retail acquisitions in Europe. He diversified the company to such an extent that by 1972 Conoco was worth more that $2.3 Billion in assets. On September 30, 1981, in the midst of political and economic ups and downs and a threatened hostile takeover, Conoco merged with DuPont, which resulted in the former becoming a wholly owned-subsidiary of the latter, until Conoco separated from Dupont in 1997 to become an independent oil company. ("Conoco History," 2005) It was in 1905 that the Philips brothers hit their first oil well, eventually

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Do you agree that the decision in Radmacher v Granatino 'is as far as Essay

Do you agree that the decision in Radmacher v Granatino 'is as far as the courts can go' without there being legislative cha - Essay Example Sometimes pertained to as an â€Å"antenuptial agreement†, a pre-nuptial agreement is actually â€Å"a contract made betwen two individuals before their marriage to each other†2. Basically, a pre-nuptial contract contains all information or details with regards to the couple’s preferred financial or property settlement in case a divorce would occur in the future. Legally speaking, a pre-nuptial contract will only take into effect after the couple has entered a marriage. This study will closely examine the case of Radmacher v Granatino3. To give the readers a clear idea with regards to this topic, a summary of the case Radmacher v Granatino will first be provided in details. As part of the study conclusion, this study will purposely explain and discuss the most obvious reasons why I strongly agree to the idea that the decision made in the case of Radmacher v Granatino ‘is as far as the courts can go’ followed by discussing whether or not it will be a good thing for the family law in England and Wales to change as suggested will be answered in details. General Information About The Case of Radmacher v Granatino The case of Radmacher v Granatino is a good example wherein the couple agreed to enter into a pre-nuptial agreement

Saturday, August 24, 2019


ENVIRONMENTAL AUDITING AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS - Essay Example In addition, the essay will discuss into details three basic aspects of sustainability and the role of companies in addressing all these three aspects, including the CSR practices as they relate to the organization. The benefits and limitations of using EMS are also discussed at length and ways of identifying and improving social impacts of companies, after which it will establish sustainability indicators when using EMS as well as outlining CSR and sustainability standards. Moreover, the essay gives a detailed discussion on matters relating to shareholder theory in CSR and standardization. Task 1 Suppliers’ Environmental Performance In essence, suppliers’ environmental performance is important to a company adopting an EMS, whether certified or not because of a number of ways. The suppliers form part of the external environment in a company, thus their contribution has significant influence in running a company. Suppliers’ power comes into play when they demand t hat retailers pay a given amount of money for the supplied goods. Lack of compliance from the side of the retailer means the supplier will not provide the goods. Taking Tesco Company as an example, the entity has an advantage over the small stores as most people tend to do all their shopping in large stores and supermarkets. This enables Tesco to have the ability to dictate the price suppliers will sell goods as failure to comply on the part of suppliers will leave them with no market to supply their goods. According to Rigby, the government needs to increase protection for suppliers and reduce their exploitation by large supermarkets (24). Tesco has a range of its own product which gives it power to fully dictate their price since it does not have to wait for suppliers to provide the goods. These products have strengthened the company’s profits and increase its competitive advantage. In 2007, the company sales were ?42,633.4 million with a 21.9% growth rate in sales (Rigby 4 4). The suppliers’ environmental assessment fits within an EMS in a number of ways. For example, it promotes ethics and cordial relationships among different suppliers who might be transacting business with the company. In an organization, ethical behavior is imperative because it plays an integral role in helping it achieves the desired environmental management system. It also forms the culture of the organization and fosters the relationship between the stakeholders. Importantly, the analysis of the organizational ethical human behavior is very essential in making ethical managerial decisions, bearing in mind the need for consistency to the international principles of running the affairs of the company. In addition, ethical human behavior presents the dynamic relations, which the company could apply to realize its vision and mission based on the outlined objectives. Therefore, ethical human behavior comprises the fundamental aspects that the people in the organization shoul d adopt in delivering better management services to the potential customers and other stakeholders. Those aspects are core when making ethical decisions about the code of behavior expected from leaders. The value of a comprehensive code of conduct to guide organizational activities is vested in the spirit of the leaders to exercise the organizational culture. As a leader, one of the primary responsibilities is to help shape a culture of

Friday, August 23, 2019

Law and ethics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Law and ethics - Research Paper Example Additionally, the contract clause called binding effect ensures that both parties have sufficient knowledge or skill concerning the consequences of their actions (Chen-Wishart, 2012). On the other hand, labor law should focus on the rules and regulations that define minimum wage and collective action. Accordingly, provision of warranty is vital because it allows an aggrieved party to claim losses suffered or monetary damages. Overall, the defining rules should equally have collateral contracts besides the main contract to assist in case the other fails. It is crucial to comprehend the contents of a contract in relation to the clauses and limitations that are often defined by civil or penalty law. A penalty law is imposed in case a party contravenes the contents that bear a huge significance in the contract. Consequently, a penalty could assume a monetary payment or forfeiture of certain resources that are clearly spelt out in the employment contract. Alternatively, adducing supporting evidence is fundamental in cancelling a contract or invoking the civil law to receiving fine for restitution (Poole, 2012). Similarly, under the labor laws, both parties must thoroughly acknowledge the limitations of the contract. For example, the contract could either be rescinded or void depending on the emerging terms and conditions. Construction of the contract must obey the relative terms that are spelt out by employment contract or labor laws. This is because it is upon both parties to set the agendas of the bargain including subsequent rights and responsibilities. Likewise, during the construction of the contract, comprehending the implications of social subordination and economic dependence will determine the avoidance of civil penalties. Conversely, the labor laws must address the issues of bargaining power that breed inequality between individual parties the scenario usually result to conflicts and injuries

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Health Care Project Essay Example for Free

Health Care Project Essay Team B has chosen prescription drugs for our health care reform project and how our current economic status is influenced. We will give ideas and solutions to show how to decrease the drug pricing. Ways that can be implemented toward a solution. Pharmaceutical company’s need to amend their business practices from a high profit, low development model to a moderate profit, moderate to high development model. Structures and regulation that will explain the competition, barriers to entry, and regulations. Taking a look at drug pricing from different perspective, like cost, research, and development, marketing, and the manufacturing of pharmaceutical drugs. The Monopoly of pricing who is involved, and the curves associated with it. Price discrimination how it changes who’s involved and what the criteria are for groups as well as pricing for individuals. How cost of co pays differ from brand names to generic and how the drug formulates come into play. How to make the system work for everyone that will amount to higher than just a 30-day supply, pharmacy assistance programs, local charity programs, and low income opportunities. Better ways to enforce existing legislation, vote in new legislation, and regulate prices across the board. The above affects the insured and non-insured American’s. For most American households, paying for health care to include prescription drugs and medical bills has been one of the hardest financial strains out there. According to a report published by (Consumer Reports, 2012), many have cut back on other household expenses or taken potentially dangerous measures with their health to afford their medications. The most affected population is the working-age Americans who do not have prescription drug insurance coverage. More than half of the people who completed the survey requested by Consumer Reports took one or more prescriptions had to reduce other household expenses or make changes in how the general population manage their finances. These reductions included how much they spend on their groceries, entertainment, activities with the family, and using their credit cards to purchase medications. The problem  was more severe with younger people than elderly people age 65 and older. â€Å"84 percent of them said they had to resort to such measures† (Consumer Reports, 2012) as previously listed. Prescription drugs or better yet the cost of prescription drugs is a discussion in the country of importance. The rise of the cost of prescription drugs is of important to many people in the United States and plays a huge role in the economics of health care. The elevated pricing of prescription drugs has become a focal point of politics and in need of some governance. Even though healthcare and prescription drugs are seen as a private sector issue, the discussion of some socialist measures put into place is a definite need for the economy. Some of those ideas include price-capping expensive drugs and even importing drugs from Canada. Healthcare and prescription drugs have been privatized; however, the government has a huge influence on them both. According to the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, the government, including state, and federal, has contributed more the 2.7 trillion in 2011. This shows that we have hidden, or more politically correct, blurred the view of a socialist healthcare system. The currently health care system with health care reform has caused confusing for co nsumers. Many people are struggling to pay for the high cost of medication they are on. Some of the patients have to take a different type of medication, which is called alternative medication because their insurance denied paying for it in addition; the process to get approval from insurance takes longer time and more paperwork back and forth from doctors and insurance companies. In reality, health care consumers are the victims, they suffer from their medical illnesses, and they suffer for the high cost of prescription drugs. Health care reform in theory is helping more than forty million people to have health coverage, the demand curve shifts to the right. The important matter at the present time is the supply to cover that many people to have a quality care whereas the economy is gradually recovering. The unemployment rate is not changing much, it is still relatively high. When the prescription drug cost much of our income, seeking for other solution becomes a must do from consumers, they tend to dismiss their prescriptions or buying medication from online market, w hich may cause bad health than curing purpose.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Interpreting the First Amendment of the Constitution Essay Example for Free

Interpreting the First Amendment of the Constitution Essay The notion of being free to choose whatever religion a citizen wants to posses is notoriously known to be a liberty dictated by the first amendment. â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,† (A-18 Brinkley) are the famous words of the constitution. Yet, this same law also states that the legislative branch of the U. S. government does not have the authority to favor one religion over the other. In fact, it dictates that the government must remain secular when it comes to the affairs of religion as it cannot respect any one particular religion over another. Thus, there can never be a national religion, an American version of the Anglican Church, as it would hinder the government from preserving the freedom to choose between religions. The other liberties guaranteed by this amendment were the rights of speech, the press, â€Å"or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and petition the Government for a redress of grievances† (A-18 Brinkley). These are all liberties that allow for the citizens of the nation to protest the government. Civilians can protest through their speech, which may hold accusatory claims against the government, in public areas. Americans are allowed the right to publish grievances in the press, free of censorship from a legislative body, as well. These are liberties that allow for organizations to spread information and knowledge over any form of tyranny they may feel the government bestows onto the population. These are also lubricating actions that more easily allow for assemblies to form and confront the government over such issues. Really, the amendment is a formula for allowing the civilian populous to restrain the authority of the government.

Theories of Leadership in Professional Practise

Theories of Leadership in Professional Practise Leadership is one of the greatest challenges faced by the nursing profession. Powerful leadership skills are needed by all nurses. Now a days the U.K health care field is changing and it is always changing. Leaders in nursing has meet the opportunities and challenges that presently exist and to make work changes. Leaders are not merely a series of skills or tasks rather its an altitude that informs behaviour(Cook ,2001) A nursing leader one who is involved in the direct patient care and who continuously improves care by influencing others.(Cook,2001) Leaders are not merely those who control others but they acts as visionaries who help employees to plan,control and organise their activities. Nurse leaders should be aware of changing the environment and make changes pro actively.(Jooste.2004) Several important functions of a nurse leader are Acting as role model.Collaboration to provide optimum care.Provision of information and support.Providing care based on theory and research.An adequate for patients and health care organisation. Knowledge of management and communication skill..( Characteristics of leaders are appropriate knowledge,trust,recognition,experience,mobility,leading,virtuosity,effectiveness. The nurses hard work in achieving these goals is responsability of an effecive leadership. Royal college of nursing (1993) in the U.K introduced three initiatives that is the RCN clinical leadership programe,leading an empowered organization and the last one is the regionally -led national programmes linked to national service frame work targets. The theories of leadership are1. Great Man Theories:(1900-1940) Great Man theories assume that the capacity for leadership is a basic that great leaders are born with innate qualities, not made and intended to lead. These theories often give detailed description as great leaders are very brave and intended to rise to leadership when needed. The name Great Man was used because, at the time, leadership concepts was of primarily as a male quality, especially in terms of military and western 2. Trait Theories: The Great Man theory and Trait theory were the first form of theories in leadership until the mid 1940s, Trait theory assume that people recieve certain qualities and a particular quality in your personality that make them better to do good leadership. Trait theories frequently identify individual personality or behavioral characteristics shared by leaders. If particular traits are the most important qualities of leadership, then how do we explain people who have those qualities but are not leaders? This question is one of the quality of being hard in using trait theories to understand leadership. 3. Contingency Theories:(1950-1980) This type of leadership mainly focusing on particular situation related to the environment that might explain which particular model of leadership is best suited for the situation and it was suggested almost 100 years ago by Mark Parker Follet. According to this theory, no effective leadership style is best in all particular circumsatances. Success depends upon a situation , including qualities of the followers, aspects of the situation and the leadership style 4. Situational Theories: Situational theories says that leaders choose the best course of action based upon situations. It also propose that different styles of leadership may be more appropriate for different levels of decision-making. 5. Behavioral Theories:(1940-1980) Behavioral theories of leadership are mainly concentrated on the belief that great leaders are made, not born and what leaders do rather than on thier qualities, this leadership theory mainly focuses on the actions of leaders not on their mental qualities or internal states. According to this theory, people can able to become good leaders through teaching and observation. 6. Participative Theories: Participative leadership theories states that the standard leadership style is one that takes the act of putting others into account. These leaders encourage the involvement and contributions from team members and help team members feel more connected and committed to the decision-making process. In this theories, however, the leader remembers the right to allow the information of others. 7. Transactional Theories: Transactional theories is also called as managemental theories and it almost focus on the management taks,uses trade-offs to meet goals ,role of supervision, organization and group performance. These theories based on a system of achievements and a penality inflicted. 8.Transformational Theories: Transformational theories is also known as Relationship theories. It focus upon the relationship formed between leaders and followers and it identifies the common values. It motivate and create a feeling in people by helping group members see the importance and higher good of the task. These leaders are concentrate on the performance of group members, but also want each individual to achieve the latent qualities that may be developed and lead to future success. Leaders with this style often have high principles and moral standards. I assure that leadership does not make sense without reflection. For now I would like to offer some reflections about leadership that I have been experiencing how it relates to behaviors and implications for all of us. Leadership is not a thing but a process therefore more accurately decribed using verbs than nouns.As a process its about what and how we are doing the things.there is only leadership when some one is leading and people who like that leading and so follow that lead.This makes the whole leadership thing an interpersonal process involving communicating ,relating ,acting collaborating,giving and receiving feedback( Reflections for leadership are heart of leadership about pioneering a new path:-That means Paths are pioneered by the presence of problems,difficulties ,conflicts,stresses distresses ,traumas and things not going right. Leader demands both likes and dislikes,followed and resisted. Set visions about the future. Leaders have to be able to take the heatleaders are only leaders to extent that they add value. Hall,M(1994) After all, The need for the study of leadership is getting a clear idea about the leadership that I have and want to offer as well as empowering others to manage their own states to become good leaders. Reflection is just thinking about what you have done and how you could do it better next time. Johns (2004)states that reflection is to face up and deal with a problem and resolve the contradiction between what the professional practitioner wants to be and do and what he actually does. Donald Schon (1985)suggests that there are two forms of reflection .One is during the event that is known as reflection in action and the other one is after the event that is reflection on action. Reflection is a great significance human activity in which they recreate their knowledge or skill gained, think about it, and evaluate it. There are several models of reflection like Bowskills shared thinking2008, Rolfe 2001,Johns 1995,Gibbs 1988, Kolb 1984,Argyris and Schon 1978. The models of reflection which i would like to discuss is the Johnsmodel 1995 and Bowskills shared thinking 2008 Johns model is a quality of beilng well organized reflection which provides a practitioner with a help to gain greater understanding. It is in order to produce a clearly defined through the act of sharing with a team member or an experienced adviser, which make it easier the practical contacts to develop into a knowledge at a faster rate . Johns mainly tells the significance of gained knowledge and the skill of a nurse to access, supply and put into practice information that has been gain through experience rather than theory. Reflection occurs though looking in and looking out at the situation that affects someway. Johns write out a note about the result of Carpers (1978) to expand on the opinion of looking out at an experience. Five patterns of knowing are there in the guided reflection, having a practitioner analyze the aesthetic, personal, ethical, empirical and the reflexive elements experienced through the situation. Johns model that touches on many important basic principle of a subject and allows for reflection. Bowskills Shared Thinking 2008 Nicholas Bowskill and colleagues at the University of Glasgow (Steve Brindley, Vic Lally, Steve Draper and Quintin Cutts) have suggested and developed a process of group reflection. Bowskill gave this social and a debate about the label Shared Thinking. This request completely change the impression of the practice and idea of reflection into a situation which an event happens. Shared Thinking uses for practical tasks to influence what people do the wide range of experiences from reflective informal talking in a class, and to make the people seeing the things clear. By making them public in this way, the Shared Thinking way produce a particular feeling or impression of a resource for cognitive and particular development. This interdependent approach allows each individual to use the group as a good at finding ways of solving difficulties. Each participant will get the take of others for comparing with their own personal opinion and experiences. In this model of reflection, Shared Thinking is a thorough and complete act of leaving from the ideas and to improve the reflection based around participants thinking individually or in small groups. Here in the place of a way in which organizing and can be transferred practice for a group of reflection and to achieve a particular aim of learning. Shared Thinking provides quantitative and qualitative measures of collective experience. Such practices and measures also helps a new group study of teaching methods and a new research model for examine the evidence of experience at the collective level. The model which i prefer is the Johns model because it includes looking in, looking out, Aesthetics, Personal, Ethics, Empirics, and Reflexivity. Bond, M. (1993), Stress and self-Awareness: A Guide for Nurses, Nursing Today, Butterworth Heinesman; Brown, B. and Crawford, P. (2001), Clinical governmentality A Foucaldian perspective on the policy of clinical governance in nursing, unpublished,, accessed 18/12/05; Charnley, E. (1999), Occupational stress in the newly qualified staff nurse, Nursing Standard, vol. 13, no. 29, pp. 32-37, April 7; Cotton, A. (2001), Private thoughts in public spheres; issues in reflection and reflective practices in nursing, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 36 (4), pp. 512-519; Marquis and Huston(2009) Leadership roles and managementfunctions in Nursing Theory and application 6th edition.pp.37-40 Adair,J.(1973) Action centred Leadership.Newyork;Mc Graw-Hill Johns, C (1995). Framing learning through reflection within Carpers fundamental ways of knowing in nursing. Journal of advanced nursing 22 (2): 226-34. Carper, Barbara A. (October 1978)Fundamental Patterns of Knowing in Nursing. Advances in Nursing Science 1 (1): 13-24.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Fight Club :: Fight Club Tyler Durdens

Fight Club Before the Narrator actually "meets" Tyler, he sees him in brief, one-frame flashes, representing Tyler's development in his mind. Below is a list of these appearances. - Tyler is standing in front of the copier at the Narrator's company, as the Narrator says, "Everything is a copy of a copy of a copy." - When the Narrator goes to the doctor for his insomnia, Tyler appears as the doctor tells him to go to the testicular cancer support group. As the doctor says, "That's pain," Tyler is standing just over his shoulder, laughing. - At the support group, when the leader says "really open ourselves up," Tyler is smirking and leaning against him with his arm around him. - After the Narrator confronts Marla and is watching her walk away, Tyler appears in his line of vision, smoking. - In the Pressman Hotel welcome video, Tyler is the waiter on the far right. (Thanks to Caite!) This appearance isn't actually subliminal. The Narrator, as Tyler, really did work at the Pressman Hotel, so he would have appeared in the video. - Tyler is riding down an escalator as the Narrator is riding up in an airport. Nick writes, "In the beginning there are quick flashes of Tyler in the back ground. I counted 3 of them in different times. Later in the movie they explained the projectionist job that Tyler had and how he put pornographic clips in family movies. Do you think those two things have anything in common?" I hadn't really thought about this before, but it's a good point. The characters are aware that they are in the movie (Tyler's references to "flashback humor," etc.), and Tyler DID splice a porn clip in at the end, so it's very likely that he put himself in as well. Kevin asks, "...what are your thoughts on why the bullet killed Tyler but not the Narrator? My own theory is that Tyler was destroyed because the Narrator hit bottom when he was so unafraid of death that he was able to put a gun in his mouth and pull the trigger. The Narrator no longer needed Tyler because he had hit bottom, and he had become Tyler." Cramer replies, "I disagree on this point. Tyler's presence isn't completely gone. While the main internal conflict of the Narrator may have been how to mesh Tyler's and his own personalities together into a single individual, I believe that the reoccuring thesis of "It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything," can explain that Tyler (the rebel, the nonconformist) is not "dead.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Claire Morgan :: English Literature

‘The Signalman’ and ‘The Black Cat’ Mystery Stories. In my opinion the most important thing to make a good mystery story is suspense. The writer should have the reader wanting to read on and asking questions right from the start. The description of the setting and characters are vital to the mystery. It gives the reader the emotions to really understand the atmosphere of the story. I don’t think the atmosphere needs to be really obscured but some bizarre features are needed to get an eerie and suspicious feeling. A twist in the end throws the reader’s prediction off course, and brings the mystery together. The clues should be laid out subtlety in the story so at the end the reader can see what they missed as they were reading. If questions are left unanswered at the end of the story it keeps the readers thinking so they can imagine what happens. A death makes the story more tragic and far fetched yet realistic making the person wearier of what is going on. Being written in the first person makes the story feel more personal and emotional so the reader feels like they are actually in the story. Dialogue also adds to this affect. Having the words of a person gives you a better idea of their personality. I have recently studied ‘The Signalman’ written by Charles Dickens and ‘The Black Cat’ by William Wintel. They were both written in the 19th century. ‘The Signalman’ is a mystery story about a man getting involved with a signalman. As he first calls down to the signalman, he becomes part of the nightmare. The writer plays the part of the detective as the story is written in the first person. He starts off as just a passer by, but notices the strange, lonely man. He decides to go down and speak with the signalman when he realises he will be here again. He soon becomes very involved with the problems of the signalman. After the man told the narrator about his sightings the narrator tries to find explanations of the delusions. However the next evening he returns to find out that he was wrong. At first, he thinks he is seeing the exact same ghost that the signalman claimed to have seen, but he soon realised that this was not. When he reached the bottom of the cutting he was confronted by the dead body of the signalman. As he watched while the evidence of the accident was gathered the words of the driver echoed through his head. He had heard these words before. The signalman had told him them the previous

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Conservative Judaism: Inception, History and Way Of Life :: United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The term â€Å"Conservative† had been attached to the moderates by the Reformers because the moderates had branded them as radicals. This name hardly describes the movement aptly. Conservative Judaism, is the American version of the principles of positive historical Judaism. The conservatives accept the findings of modern scholarship that Judaism is the product of a long period of growth and evolution. However, this process did not result in broken or inconsistent lines of development; quite the contrary, the major currents of Judaism run consistently through the extensive literature of the Jewish people, created in successive ages.† (Rudavsky 338) Conservative Judaism is one of the largest of the various sects of Judaism. Conservative Jews make up about 40-45% of those Jews who affiliate. Conservative Judaism accepts the idea that Jewish law is binding upon Jews. Conservative Jews have an obligation to obey all the teachings and commandments of Judaism., For example, Conservative Jews emphasize the laws of keeping the Sabbath and keeping kosher. Conservative Jews believe that Jewish law is capable of evolution as humans learn more about interpreting the Torah. Therefore, Conservative Jews have changed some of the earlier interpretations. Men and women worship together in Conservative synagogues, people may ride in a car on the Sabbath to attend services, and women can be ordained as rabbis. â€Å"Issac Leeser is generally regarded as the principal forerunner of Conservative Judaism in the United States. A native of Westphalia, Lesser acquired his religious and secular education before coming to American in 1824. He settled in Richmond, Virginia, where he was employed for several years in his uncle’s business. At the same time, he assisted the hazzan in the religious school of the local Sephardic congregation. During this period, he gained prominence by publishing numerous articles in defense of Jews and Judaism in American and foreign journals.†(Dimont 231) Some Jews who affiliate with the Conservative sect claim that their main reason for belonging is the fact that they don’t want to be Orthodox nor Reformed. â€Å"While some individuals describe themselves as Conservative because of their alienation from Orthodox practices, others define themselves from the opposite direction – they point out that they are not reform.† (Sklare 206) For the most part, Conservative Jews feel that if one were to be reformed they would not really be Jewish. The Reformed sect, unlike the conservative do not obey most of the Jewish laws and traditions.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Disposable Goods Targeted by new French Tax Plan

Technology has not come without its demerits. Today, one thing that technology has been able to achieve is an easier and more comfortable life for people. This has been made possible by the easy to use, easy to dispose products that they have introduced to the market. Although we save more time and find these products easier to use, the environment suffers the adverse effect that come with the disposal/pollution of these products.Therefore, the French government is planning to reduce the cost, pollution and the effect that these disposable products cause in the society at the same time; they are trying to imbibe the culture responsibility in the people. They are also trying to reduce the populations overall consumption of energy. The negative externalities here is that this taxation would harm the growth of production companies and this would have an effect on economic growth.In order to drive home the point, the French government is devising a method of tax on disposables and subsid ies on energy effective products that would make the people to be forced to concede to this plan. However, this system of taxation and subsidy bears its own consequence too. In the case of disposables, two things can happen. The first thing is that if the tax is applicable to the producers, the price of the disposable products will escalate.On the other hand, if the tax is on the consumers, the supply would be the same and but demand for the products would be reduced. Overall, there would be reduction in supply in a lower proportion. However, in the case where subsidies are given on fuel-efficient cars, demand for these cars would be higher. Considering the deadweight losses, the externalities can not be reduced.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Analysis of the Human Attitude

Surveying the Human Attitude Melissa Hightower November 19, 2012 PSY475 University of Phoenix Surveying the Human Attitude Attitude can be seen in many parts of a daily routine of an individual. The significance of measuring attitude has become important in many areas of our society. Employers want to measure attitude of employees, while customers on the other side of the counter view att Attitude Survey The measure of attitudes is of great importance in a consumer driven economy, such as the one that exists in the United States today.Psychologists use attitude surveys to translate subjective attitudes of people into empirical data. Attitudes themselves are distinguishable from interests and personality traits, in that attitudes are usually attached to an object (Hogan, 2007). The construct of attitude actually encompasses the cognitive, affective, and behavioral thoughts, feelings, and actions that a person exhibits in reaction to—or as a result of—an object. For the p urposes of this paper I designed an attitude survey using a selected-response format that is built upon the precepts of the SERVQUAL approach to attitude assessment.The purpose of the survey is to assess the attitudes and perceptions that University of Phoenix (UOP) students exhibit at graduation about UOP itself. The intention of this paper is to discuss the design, administration, scoring, and interpretation of the survey as well as any issues I experienced while creating the survey. Design The target audience for this survey is UOP graduates that attended at least their sophomore and senior college years at UOP. The particular trait to be measured is the attitude that graduating students hold towards UOP after graduations.The survey should be administered electronically via the UOP student login page after graduation. There are 11 items in the survey and should take no more than 1-2 minutes to complete. I did this on purpose, because I know from experience that I hate taking long surveys when all I really wanted to do was log into UOP online. The survey uses the Likert scale to measure attitude, with the possible answers of strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree with the corresponding scores of -2, -1, 0, +1, and +2, respectively. The score report is used to compile the individual scores into a descriptive format.The item stems are the assertions themselves and the responses are gauged through the Likert scale, otherwise known as the method of summated ratings (Hogan, 2007). The basic proposition of the Likert scale is that one attitudinal construct is at the basis of all of the items. All of the statements that I proposed are about the attitude of the graduate toward UOP and therefore addresses this concern. Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation The survey should be administered by UOP personnel and not the teachers. It would not do for the results of the survey to be skewed by the last class experience.This factor cannot be done away with entirely, but it can be minimized by having the survey administered by UOP personnel rather than a teacher. Moreover, in a general sense the lower the score the less the satisfaction and the higher the score the lower the satisfaction. The directionality of the scores are all in the same direction, meaning that a rating of strongly disagree always corresponds to a more unfavorable attitude toward UOP. However, it is important that the survey items be tried out on a large variety of students at UOP and the scores tabulated in advance.These scores will act as a means to convert the raw scores that will be collected when the test is actually distributed on a large scale to normed scores, which are more useful for interpretation. For instance, if there is universal tendency to score one item extremely negative, then the raw scores of the actual test can be mediated to take into account this propensity. For the purposes of a general attitude survey negative scores reflect nega tive perceptions and thoughts about UOP and positive scores the opposite.Issues Experienced While Creating Survey The SERVQUAL approach to attitude surveys is specifically designed for quantifying service quality and product satisfaction in the retail industry (Gob, 2007). As the SERVQUAL approach applies to this attitude survey, the main point of any survey is to ascertain the examinees expectations, perceptions and the gap between them. Therefore, I tried to design items to measure both the expectations of the UOP student as well as their perception of the item in question.This will increase the validity of the interpretation that lower scores equal less satisfaction and vice versa, since the items not only deal with the student’s actual perception, but their expectations as well. I also tried to encompass the entire spectrum of measurements—cognitive, affective, and behavioral—when considering the items to be administered. I am not comfortable with simple sel f-reported tests. They seem too subjective and too circumstantial. The items should gauge observable behavior, past feelings, and current thoughts about the construct being measured. ConclusionIn sum, the attitude survey that I created follows the Likert scale method to gauge the overall satisfaction of UOP students, with an emphasis on both the perception and expectation of the items. The survey also attempts to measure the cognitive, affective, and behavioral components of the construct being tested. The purpose of the survey was to ascertain the general attitude that UOP students have toward the University of Phoenix at graduation. References Gob, R. (2007). Ordinal methodology in the analysis of Likert scales. Quality & Quantity, 41(5),601-626. Retrieved July 24, 2010, from SocINDEX with Full Text database.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Overuse Injuries

â€Å"Pain is temporary, pride is forever. † This quote represents what thousands of young athletes are going through daily. Many adolescents who are working hard to become the best in their league are now falling short due to overuse injuries. With childhood obesity increasing, U. S. citizens have overlooked the overuse injuries that affect the active youth. In 2003 more than 3. 5 million children under age 15 suffered a sports injury that required medical treatment, thats about one attended injury for every 10 players, and seventy-five percent of those injuries were the result of overuse (Hyman, 2009). Overuse injuries occur over a long peroid of time and occur after repetitive micro trama to th tendons, The human body has the tremendous capability to adapt to physical stress. However if the body is put under to much stress without the proper amount of rest injury can occur. The most common injury that occurs from this is an overuse injury these include tennis elbow, runners knee, and shin splints. There are three main factors that are contributing to young athletes getting an overuse injury. The first factor is that these young athletes are being trained by parents and coaches who have no background in sports. These inexperienced coaches are providing the young athletes with improper training techniques, which can result in injury. Another factor that is leading to overuse injuries is the amount of pressure being placed on the athlete by coaches and peers. Wether it is a coach teaching their athletes to play through the pain, or parents pressuring their children so they can live vicariously through them, the well being of these young athletes is getting overlooked. The final factor stems from the previous two factors. Coaches are pressuring athletes to become specialized meaning they only participate in one sport. While this alone is not an issue, whats wrong with this is they are being improperly trained year round and rarely are given the rest needed to stay healthy. In the article Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes Doctor James H. Johnson addresses one of the issues with sport specialization â€Å"Young athletes who specialize in just one sport may be denied the benefits of varied activity while facing additional physical, physiologic, and psychologic demands from intense training and competition’’(Johnson, 2005) The effects of the injuries are at first relatively minor. The athlete could get something like runners knee, which is inflammation of the knee joint. If allowed the proper healing time the pain will subside and the athlete can continue training. However if the athlete does not take the rest needed it could lead to getting stress fractures in the bone. These types of fractures can be extremely painful and may take months to fully heal. The effects of these injuries are serious for all athletes, but for the young growing athletes these injuries could lead to bigger problems. For example the stress fractures could effect the growth plate in some athletes. According to Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes the growth cartilage is most vulnerable to repeated micro traumas. This could lead to certain muscles developing faster than the bones they are attached to. Forcing them to attach to a different part of the bone, constricting it and not allowing it to grow properly(Johnson, 2005) Another damaging cause of overuse injuries is arthritis while overtime everyone will at one time get arthritis of some sort in the joints, for those athletes who have sustained many overuse injuries may obtain it at a much younger age. According to the article Until It Hurts many doctors find it very frustrating to see these types of injuries in athletes because with taking the proper precautions while training the risk of getting an overuse injury can be almost eliminated (Hyman, 2009). The treatment for overuse injuries depends on the specific diagnosis. For minor symptoms, reducing the intensity, duration or frequency of training brings relief. switching to a different workout schedule and cross training with other activities that allows the athlete to maintain fitness while the injured area recovers. This is very important for treating the early symptoms of overuse injuries. Working with a coach or teacher or taking lessons can assure proper training and technique. Paying particular attention to proper warm up before activity and using ice after activity may also help. Aspirin or other over the counter anti-inflammatory medications can also be taken to relieve symptoms. If symptoms persist, a sports medicine specialist will be able to create a more detailed treatment plan for the athletes specific condition. This may include a thorough review of the training program and an evaluation for any predisposing anatomic or bio-mechanical factors. Physical therapy and athletic training services may also be helpful. Overuse injuries are one hundred percent preventable, athletes need only take a few important steps to be able to train risk free. The first step is to not do to much to soon, when first starting a sport it is important to start slowly and allow the body time to adjust to that activity. It is best to start out with a warm up before the athlete starts training. starting out with stretches allows the muscles to relax more and it increases blood flow, which helps with support so not as much stress is being placed on the bones. The article Preventing Overuse Injuries, explains proper stretching technique, â€Å"Do not bounce with each exercise. Stretch until you feel tension but not pain†(Preventing overuse injuries, 2010) Stretching is key for a healthy work out, there are many different stretches that can be done. It is best to find stretches that are geared toward the athletes specific sport. Another key point is if any significant pain is felt during training stop. also it helps to do a cool down after training is finished followed by stretching again. If there is any soreness after training is finished the athlete should stretch that area out specifically and then ice it down and possibly take an anti-inflammatory. If athletes were taught these easy steps overuse injuries could be cut down drastically. References Hyman. (2009, april 07). Until it hurts. Retrieved from http://sportsillustrated. cnn. com/2009/more/04/06/youthsports. untilithurts/index. html Johnson, H. (2008, April). Overuse injuries in young athletes. Retrieved from http://www. hscoaches. org/docs/Over_use_injuries. pdfPreventing overuse injuries. (2010). Retrieved from http://familydoctor. org/familydoctor/en/prevention-wellness/exercise-fitness/sports-safety/-preventing-overuse-injuries. html

What Does It Mean to Be a Man or a Woman?

What Does it Mean to be a Man or a Woman? A theme the tragedy of Macbeth routinely reveals is one of gender roles. Throughout the play, many characters struggle with conflict within themselves; not unlike conflicts that we face inside ourselves today. Various major conflicts throughout the screenplay are somehow connected with characters’ roles as men or women. The dominant question is, do the characters know who they are as men and women? Although Macbeth’s age was never stated, it is concluded from his naivety and emotional immaturity throughout the play that he might not be much older than a current college student.Young adulthood sometimes contains an internal struggle to find oneself, not only working to discover who they are as a person, but they are as a man or a woman. As demonstrated many times throughout the script, Macbeth is internally fighting with his masculine instincts. For example, in Act I, the captain, Duncan, and Malcolm discuss Macbeth’s â₠¬Å"heroic† and violent tendencies (Macbeth I. 2. 15-22). From childhood, men thrive to be a hero. Sometimes, in their minds, that means being rashly violent as well.So when these men mention Macbeth’s unnecessarily brutal strategies, it makes one see the battle Macbeth must be struggling with to gain the role of â€Å"hero† in others’ eyes. The witches also play a part in Macbeth’s battle of identification with himself. The bearded women plant the seed of ambition in Macbeth. Macbeth realizes that he is lusting after the throne and the power that comes with it. But, at first, he does not know how to deal with it. (â€Å"If good, why do I yield to that suggestion Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair And make my seated heart knock at my ribs,Against the use of nature? Present fears Are less than horrible imaginings. My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, Shakes so my single state of man That function is smothered in surmise, And nothing is but what is not. †) (I. 3. 135-143). It is normal for men to want to be ambitious. God created men as a ruler, as stated in Genesis: â€Å"Then God said, â€Å"Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground† (NLT Genesis 1:26).Therefore, men have ambitious souls. God did not intend to have sovereigns or rulers of people, but men and women ruined that when Adam and Eve betrayed the Lord. Macbeth is not in tune with himself and how his emotions and ambitions will affect other people. This is one of Macbeth’s atrophies and causes him to lust for increasingly more power. Lord Acton once said, â€Å"Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. † Men also need women’s acceptance to accept themselves.They want women to see their masculinity and power – hence the reason they like t o display their muscles and talk about their accomplishments. However, when a women does not show that they appreciate the manhood, it puts the man down. Think about the way males react when called a coward, especially if it is a woman. They puffs out their chests, try to seem larger than they actually are, and object. In Act I, Scene 7 Lady Macbeth calls Macbeth a coward, and he begs her to stop. (â€Å"Art thou afeard To be the same in thine own act and valorAs thou art in desire? Wouldst thou have that Which thou esteem’st the ornament of life, And live a coward in thine own esteem, Letting ‘I dare not’ wait upon ‘I would,’†) (I. 7. 39-45). Then, she insults his manhood; the ultimate way to manipulate the male gender. Macbeth sees that the only way to impress his wife, is by killing the king and following his own ambitious instincts. The way Lady Macbeth spoke these words to Macbeth, there was no way in his mind that he could object  œ it would ruin his masculinity.From there, Macbeth will not stop until he reaches absolute power. He even uses his wife’s tactics and questions the murders’ manhoods when manipulating them to kill Banquo. (â€Å"Do you find Your patience so predominant in your nature That you can let this go? Are you so gospeled To pray for this good man and for his issue, Whose heavy hand hath bowed you to the grave And beggared yours forever? †) (III. 1. 87-93). The gender roles quickly became a large part of the plot to get people to complete tasks for others’ benefits.Characters constantly bring up manhood and relate it to their rise or lack of a rise (Lady Macbeth- â€Å"unsex me†) to power (I. 5. 41). However, power wasn’t meant for man; it was meant for God. This power became an idol – the characters put it between them and God. That was the characters’ downfalls. Instead of being a â€Å"manly man,† they should have tried to be a man of God as in 1 Timothy 6:19, â€Å"so they may experience true life† (NLT). One does not realize their true self, until they realize they are a man or woman of God.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

A Model Of Customer Value For Consumer Market Marketing Essay

A Model Of Customer Value For Consumer Market Marketing Essay Satisfying customers wishes is a challenge for many companies in the todays rapidly changing and keenly competitive environment. A thorough knowledge of customer needs is even considered to be the foundation on which a company is built. (Mohr-Jackson, 1996) Hence, the researcher in this research has decided to focus the research on customer values. 2.0 Definition of Customer Values Walters (2002) explains that â€Å"value is an interesting concept. The underlying motivation for changes in customer expectations is a shift in the consumer perspective of value which has moved away from a combination of benefits dominated by price towards a range of benefits in which price, for some customer segments, has very little impact. Value is assumed to be the benefits received from a product choice less their costs of acquisition†. The benefits can be measured in price, quality, convenience, flexibility, response time, dependability of delivery, style and fashion, ethical issues, technol ogy and personalization. All these values are very important especially for the first time customers as in this high competitive business environment, customers will compare the value of product or service the competitor is offerings. The more values a company willing to provide, the more likely the customers are willing pay for the product or service. 3.0 Customer Value Models According to Fuller (1993), identify customer’s characteristic and develop customer value model are a very important part in satisfying the customer needs. The product and service characteristic must be produced and delivered and these tasks raise questions concerning the capabilities and capacities. Diagram 1: A Model of Customer Value for Consumer Market According to Day (1990), the original idea of â€Å"value equation† and emphasizing customers’ perception. This model (Diagram 1) integrates descriptive and normative points of view about consumer behaviour, including the consumer value s expectation before purchase, customer value evaluation at the time of buying, and value actualization in consumption or possession. According to social psychologists, people’s perception of objects and events is influenced by their cognitive traits such as personality and attitude, personal values, and consumption schemata. Besides that, it can also be influenced by the demographics such as age, education, income, wealth, and time resources. As indicated in Diagram 1, these factors of â€Å"Customer Characteristics† are the background of the customers’ perception. The buyers’ evaluation of a product purchase begins from their perceived product benefits. The earlier discussions of consumers’ product valuation have proposed a framework about how the customers perceive product benefits based on their terminal personal values and instrumental consumption values. In addition, the discussion has suggested and illustrated a typology of generic product b enefits with eight categories. As indicated in Diagram 1, the model suggests that â€Å"Perceived Product Benefits† could be a single type or a combination of the eight categories of product benefits. The model suggests that customer value is a consequence of subjective evaluation which in turn results from the summing up of the various perceived benefits and perceived costs, taking into account the differently weighted factors. In other words, the â€Å"perceived customer value† in the model is defined as the surplus or the difference between perceived benefits and perceived costs (Day 1990).

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Module of Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Module of Evaluation - Essay Example David Malan talks of the skill of HP Hildebrand when he was appointed to the famous London Clinic of Psychoanalysis back in 1963 (Malan 44). He barred from treatment (by trainees) any person with a severe suicidal attempt, signs of chronic alcoholism and drug addiction, long periods of hospitalisation, and more than one type of ECT, serious incapacitating phobia and OCD, any homosexual longing tobecome heterosexual, or someone with abominably destructive performing out. The fall out rate dropped from 60 percent to 10 percent. Discussion Innovative advances in psychotherapy field have improved its effectiveness and usefulness however, patient variables remain a significant, some may say the greatest, the determinant of the outcome. It has confirmed hard to study; studies and research that are more current are specially sparse and only accessible at a fee (many of them require a book sale or a subscription to a particular journal) or in universal psychiatry journals. Therefore, I have decided to go back on the 1979 piece â€Å"assessment for patients of Psychotherapy† of Sydney Bloch 2 for a bigger view. Adapted from his piece is a list of exclusions that comprise organic brain syndrome, the Bipolar and severe depression. Others are Schizophrenia, the severe Personality disorder (like sociopathic or narcissistic and paranoid), drug or alcohol infatuation, Hypochondriacal or somatisation particularly if alexothymic, like a cure for sexual ‘deviation’ or too distrustful and incompetent cognitively and intolerant of frustration, without impulse control, ‘inhibited, constantly fatigued or submissive’. Those he thought benefited more were those with: rational level in personality integration, the motivation for change and realistic expectation of healing process or psychological mindedness, at slightest average intelligence, average ‘neurosis’ and Personality disorders or strong affect and felt dissatisfaction, life situat ion without any unresolved previous problems (Wolberg 23). The Ego is belived to come from the dissatisfaction of the ID’s drives and the wishes by the external reality (also, it later deals with fault by the Super ego that is belived to come from resolution of oedipal complex). If all the patients have the ability to satisfy their needs maturely, (change in work, love or play to use the George Valiant’s ideas). These ideas are to postpone gratification, cope up with adversity, think and reason logically about the problems or problem solve, and then relate to reality with extra mature ego defence mechanism, they are believed to have excellent ego strength and are much favourable customers for Psychotherapy. The disapproval levelled at therapists was that they excempted those most in requirement of assistance. In his 1964 manuscript â€Å"Psychotherapy the purchase friendship† William Schofield is important of the then inclination of psychotherapists to focus on patients that are more attractive and coined the word YAVIS: Young, then attractive, then verbal, then Intelligent, Successful, others have added second S for ‘similar’. To rephrase Malan and several others, this was not too diverse from other sectors of medicine (particularly at the time) when ill patients with several and severe conditions were regularly excempted from particular procedures medical, the surgical and anesthetic,

Monday, August 12, 2019

Identify failures of the now discontinued brand Ralph Lauren Rugby and Essay

Identify failures of the now discontinued brand Ralph Lauren Rugby and propose a marketing strategy for the re-launch of that brand - Essay Example The company even uses various advertisement campaigns to position the brand in minds of the targeted audience. The store layout is also re-structured. The marketing strategy developed is proposed to Mr. Ralph Lauren in order to persuade him to re-launch the brand. The Ralph Lauren Corporation was incorporated in the year 1967 and was a world renowned clothing brand that defined the American lifestyle. Mr. Ralph Lauren started this company by selling ties which was completely different in design to the tradition design of ties used by men in America. His range of colourful ties gave birth to a brand called Polo. In the later years the product range of the brand widened which included footwear, luxury accessories, apparel, and home furnishings. The company comprised of various brands apart from Polo such as Pink Pony, Chaps, Club Monaco, Black Label, RRL and RLX, American Living, Purple Label, and Rugby. The brand Rugby was launched in the year 2004. Despite of the success of the company this Rugby brand failed miserably in the market place and finally the brand was closed in the year 2012. The common reasons for failure of a fashion brand are its incapability to maintain a leading edge or to remain as trendy in order to meet the demand of the customers. In the years when Rugby was launched there exist a lot of competition in the preppy brand market space. The high priced products had made the brand unable to capture the maximum of the market share. The preppy style of the brand was very fashionable from the starting years of its launch but somewhere the other offerings of the brand were really absurd even for its target market. The offerings of the brand were such as a pair of sweat pants with English style classic boating blazer or herringbone three-row-two sport jacket. The combinations offered by the brand were no doubt fashionable but at the same time they were not that much appealing

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Review - Essay Example First, we can see a lot of characters in this movie like Captain Jack Sparrow, William Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Captain Sao Feng, Hector Barbossa, and Davy Jones. Captain Jack Sparrow is the captain of the Black Pearl ship and the most notorious pirate on the ocean. Captain Jack Sparrow has the sense of humor that none of the other pirates have. Also, the Black Pearl is the most famous ship on the ocean, and all of the pirates, as well as many in the Royal Navy, know about this ship because it has the most dangerous pirates in the whole world aboard it. The second main character in the movie was William Turner, the brave blacksmith-turned-pirate in town, who always helped the weak and the poor people when he can. William Turner was the hero in this movie. The third character is Elizabeth Swann, the beautiful governor’s daughter, who ends up marrying William Turner by the end of this film. Elizabeth has helped William out of a lot of situations, and she also saves him from death many times. However, her love for him causes him to die at the end of this film, though a sudden plot twist brings him back. The fourth character is Captain Sao Feng. Sao Feng was the Pirate Lord of the South China Sea until his death during the third film. He was bold man, albeit a bit immoral. He has a very weird body and a scary face that makes you scream when you first see it. The fifth character is Captain Hector Barbossa, who is the Pirate Lord of the Sea. He seemed to have an apple addiction, which was an interesting characteristic for a rum-soaked pirate. Barbossa has a monkey named Jack; this monkey travels with him all the time and seemed to have taken the place of a potential son. The last important character is Davy Jones. Davy Jones was born in Scotland; very little else is known about his youth and childhood. He fell in love with Calypso, the Goddess of the sea, many years ago. It was Calypso

Saturday, August 10, 2019

American History X Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American History X - Research Paper Example While in prison, Derek decides to take a new turn after a visit by his former Black English teacher Dr Sweeney. A brutal rape by Aryan Brotherhood prison gang fuels the transition after his defection. However, on leaving prison, Danny had stepped in his shoes and joined Neo Nazi movement. Derek has to fight to achieve a new life for himself and Danny. The film is full of flashbacks, employing the language of racism to capture sophisticated variations. On TV news, Derek narrates how his father had tutored him to racism through his dinner table conversations not forgetting his death in the hands of black narcotics. The film is full of scaring scenes and convincing scenes that reveal Neo Nazi skin heads bonding. In their meetings led by Derek, they take drugs, beer, engrave tattoos, and carry heavy metal with them. In the Neo Nazi’s world, slogans replace thought, fuelling a mindless hatred towards their black enemies and the film brings out the best of this movement. Neo Nazi mo vement comes out strongly from American History X film. Neo Nazi movement also called skinheads have their origin in England after World War II. According to Prejudice Institute, â€Å"the first wave of what we today recognize as skins polarized themselves in the 1970s. This happened against the various youth counterculture movements† (â€Å"Prejudice Institute† web). ... In 1980, a second wave of this movement was in action when Ian Stuart founded Neo Nazi movement. Apparently, he was a singer and the leader of the Screwdriver band that played an important role in the spread of the movement. The group identified themselves by Nazism and belief in white power and they portrayed it through their way of shaving heads, tattoos, t-shirts, and their confrontational style. Neo Nazi movement cemented its operations in the 1990s because it took advantage of independence war and other ethnic conflicts in of Croatia. To catch the attention of the media, Neo Nazi movement brutally attacked tourists and foreigners, gay people, and people from other cultures. According to Libcom, some of their memorable attacks came in 2003 when Neo-Nazi skinheads attacked six people including five old people and 11-year old boy from Egypt (Kontrrazvedka web). Neo Nazi has links with order supremacist groups like KKK and White Aryan resistance (WAR). Stuart published books by name blood and honour that he distributed to older white supremacies in the US to gather membership. Statistics reveals that skinheads age range from 13 to 27 years mostly teens from various social economic backgrounds. Most get to enrol in high school and continue through college and at work. Recruitment happens at the concerts that attract many young people to listen to Neo Nazi’s music and performances. For instance, Screwdriver songs like White Power and Nigger performed mainly on Hitler’s birthday or at Hate Festivals are tools of transformation. Skinheads also use publications and cyberspaces to promote their ideas and recruit members (â€Å"Prejudice Institute† web). According to Cooter, the group have adopted a new tactic for

Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Globalization - Essay Example Collectively, they explained the dynamics of the global business landscape and the variables that drive the numerous processes at work within it. Concepts such as culture, technology, knowledge and the legal and political diversities found in various national economies all combined to demand new and complex requirements for multinational companies. These has called for their transformation as truly global organizations through changes in their organizational structure and the adoption of new business strategies in order to address the unique challenges and issues posed by the global environment. Before this module began, I have an inkling on what globalization is and its impact on both organizations, national economies and consumers. But my knowledge was limited to the superficial, abstract and general concepts. For instance, I know that globalization threatens local companies and could endanger their very survival because of the superior strength of the resources available to multinational companies that are invading the local market. But this module enlightened me further on the fact that it is not always easy for multinational companies to do this. ... † (p8-9) Secondly, there is the form of globalization that relates to the way organizations structure, control and manage their value-chains in terms of global operations. This is done â€Å"according to the availability of resources, cost levels, skills, quality and a host of other variables. (p. 9) These two forms of globalization supposedly were responsible for the emergence and the perpetuation of multinational companies who have already surpassed small national-economies in revenue generation. The third form, is characterized by how globalization adversely impacts several areas such as the democratic system, the environment, national cultures and identities, among others. (p. 12) The sheer complexity of the globalization economic model, hence, calls for a multidimensional approach by which stakeholders navigate its processes. Stonehouse, Campbell and Hamill emphasized, for example, that it should already be obvious how multinational/transnational companies must never adop t a global strategy that is primarily characterized by global standardization because it will fail. (p. 8) Companies have to make some fine-tuning in their strategies every time they enter a market. The reason is that each country has its own national circumstance. This can also be demonstrated in the numerous organizational configurations developed in order to pursue different objectives and address specific areas in the global business environment (see figure 1). Motives, Strategies and Organizational Configurations (Source: Bartlett and Beamish) As I saw from the diversity in organizational structure, I understood the sense in rejecting a global standards in strategy. For example, the Centralized Hub organizational model may work in some economies or markets with fierce competition but may not