Monday, September 30, 2019

Congress Essay

More or less zero. The way things look right now, there is no chance that Republicans in Congress are going to feel as if they have any reason to cooperate with Obama. They are going to oppose him on everything important and hope that they can beat him next November President President Obama has recently introduced a number of reforms and job stimulus ideas, all of which have been rejected or tabled by the Republican controlled House of Representatives. Both Obama's introducing them (knowing they had no chance) and the House rejecting them (knowing an election is coming) were political moves timed to position themselves for running in the strongest possible environment. I think both sides know they cannot fix the economy by next November, so they are trying to impress upon voters who they should blame for it. Obama's window of opportunity was from 2009-midterm elections in 2010. Unless something seriously alters the political dynamic between now and next fall, Republicans in Congress will â€Å"play to their base,† and thus see compromise as politically lethal. There are very few aspects of Obama's agenda that stand a chance of getting through Congress, I think My first pick is Franklin D. Roosevelt. He faced so much hardship in his time of office (the Great Depression and World War II). He was elected to rescue the nation from its worst economic crisis ever! FDR exuded hope to people accustomed to despondency. Acting immediately, in his fabled first hundred days in office, FDR enacted much of the framework of his â€Å"New Deal† economic program, which was to get Americans working again, even if it cost the government a fortune to do it. He created agency after agency in an attempt to put people to work. Roosevelt also looked to protect Americans at risk of impoverishment by establishing federal programs to support individuals financially with programs like Social Security and the establishment of a national minimum wage; Roosevelt protected unions with the passage of the National Labor Relations Act. My second choice, which my wife thought I was insane for, is Richard Nixon. Love him or hate him, the late 1960s and early 1970s were all about Richard Nixon. He entered office with the undeclared war in Southeast Asia as the nation’s albatross, and personally directed its prosecution. Without a mandate to do so, he escalated the conflict, and then shifted the emphasis from ground forces to air power, and eventually negotiated with the North Vietnamese. He successfully split the Soviets and the Chinese from Hanoi by playing the two superpowers off against each other, and then initiated the foreign policy objective of Detente to reduce tensions between the East and West. In doing so, Nixon laid the groundwork for much that was to follow. Domestically, he implemented new economic policies and rallied the â€Å"silent majority† to action. The only real threat to Richard Nixon was, in the end, himself. Were it not for his self-inflicted wounds, his presidency would have been seen as an unmitigated triumph.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Mulatto: Black People and Son Essay

Race, class and gender have been a topic for most books that have been written. A lot of books talk about these topics because it is something most people face. Whether you’re at work and can’t get a promotion because of your gender, excluded from a place because of your class or hated because of your race. Know matter what you will be faced with one if these topics in your life time. Dorothy Allison’s Bastard out of Carolina deals with these issues in a very intriguing way. She uses them to keep the story flowing and keep the reader interested. In the novel BOC, Allison uses race, class and gender in a very stereotypical way. The story of Bone takes place in a time where race was a conservational topic. You can say America was split in two groups, the whites and blacks. If you were black life was not easy. Black people were discriminated against. Even though slavery was over the black nation was not accepted by the white people. Racism means Discrimination or prejudice based on race (2). This word was not really used in this book because the narrative was Bone, a white girl. When Bone would visit Aunt Alma’s apartment she would come to face black children. There and then is when the stereotypes of black people started. The grown up’s in Bone had nothing good to say about the niggers that lived by Aunt Alma. â€Å"Running off with a man’s children, living in the dirty place with niggers all around. My little girls having to go up those stairs past those nigger boys. My wife walking the street past those peckerwoods! † (Allison 89). The family really did not approve of Aunt Alma living around black people. They were thought to be dirty and uncivilized people. Black people were also thought to be stupid and worthless. Bone was young at the time and did not know what to think about them. But she did not feel the same as her elders. Instead she made friends with them and learned to like them. I think Allison is trying to show the innocence of a child. Most kids are caring and loving until they are taught to hate. Bone grew up in a poor family. They would be considered in today’s society as trailer trash. The stereotype of poor white folks was present in Bastard out of Carolina. Anne and Glen did not really have money so it was hard to support the kids. They basically lived with very little. They couldn’t settle down at one house so they moved from one run down house to another. A lot of the characters described in this book had a lot of resemblance to what we would consider a red neck. For instance Uncle Travis has a big Chevy. Bone says it was jacked up so high that it easily cradled little kids or pregnant woman (Allison 1). Almost all the boys in the family had trucks. That’s typical for a red neck. Bone describes the Boatwright men as rugged, kind of dirty strong boys. They loved to fight and drink beer. The Boatwright family was big which again stereotyped poor white families. Also poor people are known to have kids out of wedlock. That was the situation Bone was. She was born out of wedlock and she never knew who her father was. That is the significance of the title Bastard out of Carolina. Gender also played a big role in this novel by Dorothy Allison. The male and female gender played a very distinctive role. In the Boatwright family the men are thought to be the physically strong. They take care of the family. They get into fights and are feared by a lot of people in town. Women of that time were supposed to stay at home cook and clean. They were supposed to wait for their husbands and never talk back. But I think Allison reversed the stereotype about women by making the Boatwright women very different. Most of them had jobs and were supporting them self’s. Aunt Raylene and Aunt Alma were some of the girls that lived by themselves. The women were strong too and they stuck together. Another way gender played a role was the relationship between Anne and Glen. From all the Boatwright women Anne was the weakest one. In the relationship Glen basically controlled Anne. Every time he did something bad she would end up forgiving him. Even after she found out he has been beating Bone she forgave him. Glen had all the power and Anne couldn’t do anything because she loved him. Bastard out of Carolina faces issues about race, class and gender. Allison builds a world where all these issues are faced. Through the main character Bone, we see how race, class and gender affect her and her family. Race played a role when Bone meets black people for the first time and instead of judging them she became friend with them. The Boatwright’s social status is not the best but they are feared by the community. They are considered poor and red necks. The last big issue that is seen in BOC is gender. Allison changed things up by making the women in the family stronger and more independent than other women of that time. In the end I think Allison decided to stereotype race, class and gender to show us it makes things worse then they already are. Work Cited 2 entries found for racism. 2003. Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. 19 Feb. 2006 http://owl. english. purdue. edu/handouts/research/r_mla. html Allison Dorothy. Bastard out of Carolina. New York. Penguin Group. 1993.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Cooper Union Building Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Cooper Union Building - Essay Example As the Cooper Union Centre is dedicated to the promotion of science and art, this innovative building stands for the basic values of the institute by blending scientific architectural design experiment with a creative vision for future building designs. Most of the building is lit by natural sunlight and the â€Å"green roof† of this building has won it LEED Gold rating. The design of the building attains a political overtone primarily through assimilating the spirit of Peter Cooper, the founder of the institution, who aimed at promoting free access to all, to the arts, whereas appreciation of art still at large remains an upper class vocation and privilege. It was Slavoj Zizek who took the idea of political unconscious delineated by Frederic Jameson based on the theory of Marxism, and developed it to make it a useful tool in evolving a critique of architecture. Zizek observed that â€Å"there is a coded message in an architectural formal play, and the message delivered by a building often functions as the â€Å"return of the repressed† of the official ideology.† ... This essay begins its argument in the realization that architecture is not at all an, â€Å"autonomous art† but one that exists in relation with a â€Å"complex web of social and political concerns.†8 In this attempt to find the political connotations of architecture, one has to take into account, many streams of thought as evolved by social critics and philosophers like Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Georg Simmel, Roland Barthes and so on. For example, while comparing imaginative and functionalist architecture and its progression through history, Adorno has pointed for the need of a modern aesthetics that addresses both the ends of the spectrum.9 This has to be understood in the backdrop of a market oriented architectural ideology. If the history of architecture is traced from a political angle, it can be seen that the entry of an affluent bourgeoisie reflected in architecture as â€Å"decline in craftmanship, enduring mediocrity, and the swindle of mechanical reproduction. †10 This resulted in â€Å"unmitigated kitsch† and later in an attempt to overcome this and address modern realities of capitalism, â€Å"monstrous, schematically rigid skyscrapers (began to) project out of a raging sea lacquered tin.†11 Bloch had called this trend in architectural design as non-humanely and â€Å"rendered uniform in the domineering form of the glass box.†12 Marxian analysis of architecture has taken this discourse one step further and shown how cultural artifacts, including buildings, serve to reinforce the hegemony of â€Å"commodity capitalism.†13 Hale has went on to explain this concept further citing Walter Benjamin and said that: A new architecture had evolved in iron and glass, which eroded the distinction between inside and outside space. This perfectly suited the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Introduction to global politics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Introduction to global politics - Term Paper Example China is now the cynosure of eyes in pure business terms. Countries like India and Brazil have also been able to invite world attention, as huge investment possibility exists in these poor countries as well. Countries like India and Brazil have also been able to invite world attention, as huge investment possibility exists in these poor countries as well. Unlike earlier times, when the military might was the only yardstick to measure the strength of a country, today the economic strength holds key. Strategic tie-ups take place amongst countries depending upon the economic leverages being held by each country. The classical liberalism limited the role of governments to maintaining social order, enforcing law and defending the country against foreign aggressions. This kind of liberalism hinged on individualism, with respective countries making best efforts to safeguard their own interests. But, over the years this philosophy has widened to a great extent. The neo-liberalism not only in cludes the individualistic or country specific aspects, but it also includes regional interest as well as global interests. For example, the recession hit economies of US and the European nations is a matter of concern for almost all countries around the world, because a weak US economy, weaker dollar, weaker Euro would imply all round losses to many countries around the world. On the other side, the neo-liberalism promotes institutions like world bank or IMF, which provide easier loans and financial assistance to nations in need of such assistance. Q-3. Is 'National Interest' a useful concept for understanding the actions of states It is true that in the market driven economy, the 'interest' of states lies well beyond the boundaries of the state. But, the 'national interest' proves crucial for shaping policies, retaining power and winning the confidence of corporate world. Therefore, the 'national interest' is indeed a very useful concept in understanding the actions of states. For the sake of argument it can also be said that in today's materialistic world, number of political people have become more of self-serving nature, but it is equally true that they too realise the importance of 'national interest'. If the national interest goes, their own identity too melts away. While devising policies for foreign trade, tripartite agreements or regional framework agreements, a state is supposed to keep its national interests supreme, while extending ground to other state/s Q-4. What are the key causes of war If we analyse the causes of the two world wars, it becomes abundantly clear that the imperialistic policies of some nations was a key factor in antagonising other countries which in turn translated into wars. But, it must also be emphasised that when some of the European nations established their colonies in foreign land, they started exploiting the alien land for the natural resources and trade prospects. This indicates that economic interest was equally relevant even during those days. It was only after the oppressed people started reacting, that war like situations started. War can take place on economic, industrial, racial, religious, cultural issues. Therefore in general key causes of war include

Thursday, September 26, 2019

9 paragraph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

9 paragraph - Essay Example is was pronounced by Shelley in Frankenstein saying â€Å"Nothing could exceed the love and respect which the younger cottagers exhibited towards their venerable companion. They performed towards him every little office of affection and duty with gentleness, and he rewarded them by his benevolent smiles† (Shelley 82). Opposite to love is also the feeling of desolation due to Frankenstein monstrous appearance as he was a mere creation of man. This was evident with these line â€Å"cursed, cursed creator! Why did I live? Why, in that instant, did I not extinguish the spark of existence which you had so wantonly bestowed? I know not; despair had not yet taken possession of me; my feelings were those of rage and revenge. . . when night came I quitted my retreat and wandered in the wood; and now, no longer restrained by the fear of discovery, I gave vent to my anguish in fearful howlings† (Shelley 103). Probably, Frankenstein was Shelley’s attempt put face on man’s ugliest character. Victor’s creation Frankenstein embodied all things that are ugly, wretched, vindictive, hateful and murderous which is the ugly nature of man. All this pain was not of the monster’s doing but the sin of its father which is Victor who has brought him â€Å"pain that nothing could alleviate† (57). Frankenstein also explored the bitter aspect of loving and losing someone. This happened to Victor when the monster killed his brother that he too became a figurative monster because he was consumed by vengeance and shared the monster’s desolation. In the monster’s confession, he told how desolate he felt by being alienated from society; that he â€Å"killed the boy out of revenge† (Shelley 41). The monster further confessed how miserable it feels to be alone and miserable because of his monster physique that even the family of cottagers who sheltered him that gave him hopes for compassion even drove him away. Corollary to this, the novel also explored the folly in man’s life.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Safety Management Practices Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Safety Management Practices - Research Paper Example The present study of Wachter et al., analyzing the works of Bliese and Jex (2002) stress upon the reality that it is important to realize that a form of context is not represented by these practices that involve perceptual practices of the workers, including management commitment and safe environment. Consequently, measures that delve into the perceptions of the employees can be regarded as the outcomes of the objective safety management practices that are being implemented (Wachter & Yorio, 2014, p. 119). These researchers argue that measures which examine the perceptions of employees can be considered as the consequences of safety management practices that had been implemented in the workplace. This study supports the hypothesis that interventions with employee perceptions can be deemed as the consequences of fair safe management practices implemented in the workplace. In another study, Ford and Tetrick (2008) emphasize the importance of evaluating the manner in which behavioral fa ctors integrate into a wider safety intervention system. The control of workplace hazards is effected via several interventions. The latter can be categorized as, eliminating the hazard, preventing access to the hazard, and assisting people in acting safely and thereby averting injuries and hazards. The first class is that of eliminating hazards by replacing hazardous materials with non-hazardous materials and altering the environment, processes, and tools. This has been recognized as the optimal alternative.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

20th century arts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

20th century arts - Essay Example Both in quantity and quality, Picasso’s art – paintings, sculptures, etchings and ceramics – were revolutionary, introducing innovations and breaking established traditions in art. (Walther 2000, p. 7) For instance, it was he who founded cubism in art. It is for these reasons why Picasso became a tremendous influence in the subsequent generation of artists in various visual media in the modern time. The Beatles is often described as the most astonishing thing to happen in the world’s rock ‘n’ roll. Perhaps this is true with the hysteria this band bank elicited from its fans and with its defining role in the contemporary music industry. Also, their recording innovations and showmanship transformed the music scene into emotionally intense, media event. According to Wiley Lee Umphlett (2006), their influence â€Å"was strong enough to direct music toward a future of varied stylistic interpretations, as seen in the wave of other innovative†¦ groups that appeared, each striving to be more audacious than the others.† (p. 113) Just like The Beatles, succeeding performers would henceforth capitalize on the fruits of recording experimentations and in promotional gimmickry of antifashion or flamboyant dress that transformed the way the audience and the fans embraced music. In the history of world cinema – of what became of it, its far-reaching influence on the masses and society as a whole – it was Marlon Brando’s legacy that is mostly evident. He infused a new vitality to the theater, film and the entertainment industry. Starting from his starring role in the play, A Streetcar Named Desire, Marlon Brando went to represent our period’s portrait of the mass man – in effect changing our attitude and standards towards film, performance and entertainment. As with The Beatles, he epitomized the rebel icon which helped define not just the American but the world’s pop culture. (Marshall and Stilwell, p. 86) No other

Monday, September 23, 2019

Managerial roles and responsibilities Coursework

Managerial roles and responsibilities - Coursework Example It is their responsibility to ensure that there is an effective flow of information in the healthcare system. They must, therefore, ensure that the equipment and design are efficient enough. A healthcare delivery CIO must be innovative and be able to design and implement the innovation process. This way, they can influence the other healthcare executives (Ball et al. (2013). When the CIO is innovative, the rest will have to follow suit in order to produce good results. A healthcare CIO has the responsibility to oversee the handling of all the data in the healthcare delivery system. This is a huge responsibility considering there is a lot of data to handle in this sector. This includes the medical care data, patient self-service applications as well as other medical uses around the hospital. CIOs are, therefore, required to work together with other stakeholders in order to be successful. Ball, et al. (2013) insist that a CIO takes into account the management of the population health, ensuring that all patients are taken care of appropriately and also in the individual level where each patient experiences an improved service delivery through IT. Additionally, A the CIO ensures that there is a reduction readmission procedure where real-time data is

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Kierkegaard's account(s) of faith Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Kierkegaard's account(s) of faith - Essay Example His philosophy states that infinites passion is capable enough of overriding the seemingly impossible. It goes against the seemingly uncertain and the unlikely Even if there is objective uncertainty, infinite passion has the power to bring about change and make things happen. On the other hand the account of faith discussed by Johannes de Silentio in Fear and Trembling, through Knight of Faith, resides on the premise that through belief in the absurd, even the impossible can be made possible. This is intrinsic faith. We all believe in the absurd. What is absurd? It could be God, it could be the â€Å"universe conspiring for you to connect you with your goal, it could be a holy spiritual energy, it could be coincidence or anything which defies reason. Intrinsic Faith is a concept or a practise that can be cultivated through belief and conscious conviction about a thing happening or an event taking place successfully despite the mammoth obstacles in front. In case of Knight of Faith, he has resigned to the fact that he will never get the princess, but through faith, it is possible to get to his desired destiny. The power of faith is at its fullest application in connecting the Knight of Faith with his goal. ... These two philosophies of faith are different. According to the writer Pojman, the difference in the two account’s of faith, that of Kierkegaard and that of Johannes Climacus is perspective. Their perspectives are different. Kierkegaard writes with an insider-point of view about Christianity, whereas Climacus writes about it from the outside. However both agree on how one becomes a true Christian and on the matter of Christianity. (Sands 17) If a situation or a circumstance or an event is foreseen with infinite passion and belief in the absurd, it gathers positive energy from the ‘doer’ or ‘wisher’ as well as spiritual energy from the unknown power – God. If anything had to happen beyond predictable turn of events, defying reason it had to happen through positive belief in the divine power and through infinite passion. . (Sands 25) What objections might be made to Kierkegaard’s account(s) of faith, and how might he answer them? The objec tion that can be made to Kierkegaard’s account of faith is that by writing from the view-point of an unbeliever, Kierkegaard hoped to ‘beguile’ readers into recognising their own necessity to convert into Christianity. . (Sands 17) Another objection raised against Kierkegaard’s account of faith is â€Å"Kierkegaard's treatment of religious belief is that it fails to distinguish between someone who has a justified belief and someone who is insane.† (Philosophy of Religion 1) To this objection Kierkegaard would say that like existence itself, religious belief has no ultimate rational justification and therefore there is no way to distinguish it from reality. Kierkegaard would say that stage of infinite resignation is the last stage before faith. Therefore, anyone who has not made this movement,

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Skinner and his Contributions to Psychology Essay Example for Free

Skinner and his Contributions to Psychology Essay Burrhus Fredric Skinner is an American psychologist and behaviorist. He has made many contributions to psychology and most are still used today. They are used to treat some phobias and addictive behaviors in humans. He also thought of radical behaviorism which is his own philosophy of science. Skinner believes that the best way to understand behavior is to look at the causes of an action and its consequences. He believes that behaviors are depending on what happens after the response this is what Skinner calls Operant conditioning. Skinner invented the Operant conditioning chamber which is known as the Skinner box. The Skinner box was invented to study animals such as rats. This box contained a lever and food or water which they will receive as a reward if they press the lever. Skinner also used the box to study superstitious behaviors by the response of animals. Burrhus Fredric Skinner also had ideas on reinforcement. Skinner had ideas that positive reinforcement provides a consequent that is rewarding. It can modify behavior longer then punishment because it is rewarding. Negative reinforcement strengthens behavior because it stops or removes an unpleasant experience. Punishment is the opposite of reinforcement because it weakens or eliminates the response. Punishment can work by directly applying an unpleasant stimulus or removing a rewarding stimulus. His contributions to psychology have made an impact on the world. His theories on positive and negative reinforcement as well as punishment are used in schools, workplaces and many other aspects of life itself. Unlike any other psychologist Burrhus Fredric Skinner had his own way of thinking. Reference Understanding Psychology, Ninth Edition, by Charles G. Morris and Albert A. Maisto. Published by Prentice Hall. Copyright  © 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Introduction and History of Sainsburys

Introduction and History of Sainsburys John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury established Sainsburys in 1869 which grew rapidly and become the largest grocery retailer in 1922 and also become the first self-service retailing in the UK and had its most successful time during the 1980s. Its Britains longest standing major food retailing chain. The founders principles and values guide us strongly today as they did at the outset to be the customers first choice for food shopping by providing high quality products, value for money and excellent service. As a business we are determined to achieve our goal, which is: At Sainsburys we will bring an ever improving quality shopping knowledge for our customers with great product at fair prices. We will exceed customer opportunity for healthy, safe, fresh and tasty food making their lives easier every day ( ) This means we are firm on quality and customer happiness in a way that brings this to life in a present and very different world.To support us in achieving our goal we have six colleagues values and we have five company values which are the ways of working that we look forward to all colleagues and managers while working in Sainsburys to live by. The values are listed below: Sainsburys Colleague Values:- Getting better every day Great service drives sales Individual responsibility team delivery Keep it simple Respect for the individual Treat every  £ as your own Company Values: Best for food and health Sourcing with integrity Respect for our environment Making a positive difference to our community A great place to work ( ) Size:- J Sainsbury Plc consists of a chain of 872 stores comprising in which 537 supermarkets and 335 convenience stores and Sainsburys Bank. At present, Sainsburys serve over 19 million customers a week. The large store of Sainsburys offers around 30,000 products 40% of these are Sainsburys own brand. Many stores offer complementary non-food products and services. Nearly 60% of our stores are in the town centre or edge of centre locations, many of these built on previously in ruins sites. We employ 150,000 colleagues of these, 70% are part-time and 30% are full time. It is the UKs third largest grocery stores with 16% market share behind international behemoth Tesco (31% share) and ASDA (17%), which is owned by Wal-Mart. ( ) An internet based delivery shopping service is also available to nearly 90 per cent of UK households. Structure:- In order to meet our customers needs the Sainsburys retail area is divided into different customer-led formats. This acknowledge the face that Sainsburys should be a customer led business and supports our strategy to delivering great service and quality at a competitive cost. There are 2 main format categories: Supermarkets:- These stores have a comprehensive full food offer with some having extended ranges of general merchandise. These make up the bulk of our estate. Convenience:- Sainsburys local these stores are located within the high street, urban and suburban areas. They are specifically designed and operated to cater for the grab and go, meal solutions, top up, distress and convenience customer. These stores are typically the smallest in estate. SWOT Analysis: (S)trengths They may be innovative products, the way you serve your customer or highly skilled colleagues. World largest retailer for Fair-trade goods by value. Strong reputation, brand name and high consistency Sainsburys won more Quality Food Awards than any other retailer this year including seven wins from 15 categories for Value products. ( ) Sainsbury own manufacture brand TU is one of the top 10 clothing brand in UK. (W)eaknesses Average return on invested capital over the past five years was just 5%. None of the Sainsburys is 24hours. Sainsburys is only covering just UK market and not going global like their rivals Tesco and Asda (O)pportunity Expanding focus on non-food assistance such as outfits, electronics and home products. UK is a tough market for new store development -controlled by space and planning permission Sainsburys has strong visibility on its store pipeline allowing greater security for growth. ( ) Olympics 2012 and Commonwealth 2014 at Glasgow which will be the forth coming opportunities for Sainsbury. The ownership of property assets provides operational flexibility and the exploitation of potential development opportunity will maximise value. ( ) (T)hreats Grocery retailing is a highly competitive industry. For years, Sainsburys struggled to compete with the major players in the industry. Fierce completion with Tesco and ASDA to keep/increase market share. At present, Sainsburys is the UKs third largest grocer with 16% market share behind international behemoth Tesco (31% share) and ASDA (17%), which is owned by Wal-Mart. ( ). Deep recession has prompted consumers to be price sensitive During fiscal 2010, Sainsburys opened 38 new stores, extended and refurbished 54 stores. Increased capacity growth in 2010 could put additional pressure on prices and completion. ( ) (P)olitical Impact: Since Sainsburys started providing banking services any government changes would reflect the change in taxation policies. Sainsbury recognised as the worlds largest fair-trade retailer more than 7.5 million people- farmers, workers, and their families, across 59 developing countries benefit from the international fair-trade system. (E)conomic Environment: Sainsbury have an ambitious new stores development programs for 2010 which will provide lots of job opportunities also new opportunities for the local businesses which will make significant contribution to UK economy. Trainee partnership scheme works in conjunction with 60 of Sainsbury stock construction , engineering , facilities management and retail suppliers to provide training and employment

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Point Of View In Grendel And Beowulf Essay -- Epic of Beowulf Essays

Contrasting points of view in Grendel and Beowulf significantly alter the reader’s perception of religion, good and evil, and the character Grendel. John Gardner’s book, Grendel, is written in first person. The book translated by Burton Raffel, Beowulf, is written in third person. Good and evil is one of the main conflicts in the poem Beowulf. How is Grendel affected by the concepts of good and evil? Grendel is an alienated individual who just wants to be a part of something. His desire to fit in causes him to do evil things. Grendel is fascinated by the Shaper’s poetry. He often returns to the mead hall to listen to it. One night while he is listening, he hears the story of Cain and Abel, including the Danes explanation of Grendel. His reaction to this leads to one of his most dramatic emotional reactions: â€Å"I believed him. Such was the power of the Shaper’s harp! Stood wriggling my face, letting tears down my nose, grinding my fists into my elbow the corpse of the proof that both of us ere cursed, or neither, that the brothers had never lived, nor the god who judged them. ‘Waaa!’ I bawled. ‘Oh what a conversion’†(Gardner 51)! Grendel then cries for mercy from the Danes. He wants their forgiveness as well as unification with them, which represents the good in him. The Danes reject him by confusing his outburst of sorrow as an attack. After visiting with a dragon who tells Grendel a fictional version of the Shaper’s tale, Grendel continues to believe the Shaper’s story. He searches for the goodness in human beings, which was mentioned in the story. He eats people only because it provides a place for him in society, even if it is a negative position (The Two Faces of Grendel, 2). Good and evil is one of the main conflicts in the poem Beowulf, and ultimately both wipe each other out. Good, is portrayed by God, and evil seems to be what fate has in store for the hero. Beowulf occasionally talks to God and asks God to give him strength before the battle and to give him the valor he needs to overcome his enemy. Evil seems to always get the bad side of things since it always gets conquered by God’s good side. Even though this is true, evil lives the high life for a long time. Grendel, Beowulf’s first opponent, killed thousands and thousands of men before he met his match. Evil comes from the monsters. They attack the good side by killing innocent men because they ... have a sense of alienation and just want to fit in. The point of view of the book Grendel allows the reader to see another side of Grendel. In Beowulf, Grendel is viewed as the antagonist and the evil villain. Grendel is both feared and hated in Beowulf. Upon reading Beowulf, the reader discovers Grendel as seen through the eyes of his terrified victims. King Hrothgar, leader of the Danes, fears his visits: â€Å"The renowned ruler, the prince of long famous, sat empty of joy; strong in might, he suffered, sorrowed for his men when they saw the track of the hateful monster, the evil spirit.† Hrothgar would dread the fatal nights when Grendel would dine on human flesh. The ruler understands that Grendel attacks his men out of spite and jealousy (The Two Faces of Grendel, 1). In reading Grendel and Beowulf, one can find many similarities in the way the events occur in the books, however because of contrasting points of view, the reader gets insight on the entire picture from two different sides. This allows the reader to better understand each book and its contents, such as their beliefs and the concept of good and evil, and acknowledge the ways the character Grendel can be described. Point Of View In Grendel And Beowulf Essay -- Epic of Beowulf Essays Contrasting points of view in Grendel and Beowulf significantly alter the reader’s perception of religion, good and evil, and the character Grendel. John Gardner’s book, Grendel, is written in first person. The book translated by Burton Raffel, Beowulf, is written in third person. Good and evil is one of the main conflicts in the poem Beowulf. How is Grendel affected by the concepts of good and evil? Grendel is an alienated individual who just wants to be a part of something. His desire to fit in causes him to do evil things. Grendel is fascinated by the Shaper’s poetry. He often returns to the mead hall to listen to it. One night while he is listening, he hears the story of Cain and Abel, including the Danes explanation of Grendel. His reaction to this leads to one of his most dramatic emotional reactions: â€Å"I believed him. Such was the power of the Shaper’s harp! Stood wriggling my face, letting tears down my nose, grinding my fists into my elbow the corpse of the proof that both of us ere cursed, or neither, that the brothers had never lived, nor the god who judged them. ‘Waaa!’ I bawled. ‘Oh what a conversion’†(Gardner 51)! Grendel then cries for mercy from the Danes. He wants their forgiveness as well as unification with them, which represents the good in him. The Danes reject him by confusing his outburst of sorrow as an attack. After visiting with a dragon who tells Grendel a fictional version of the Shaper’s tale, Grendel continues to believe the Shaper’s story. He searches for the goodness in human beings, which was mentioned in the story. He eats people only because it provides a place for him in society, even if it is a negative position (The Two Faces of Grendel, 2). Good and evil is one of the main conflicts in the poem Beowulf, and ultimately both wipe each other out. Good, is portrayed by God, and evil seems to be what fate has in store for the hero. Beowulf occasionally talks to God and asks God to give him strength before the battle and to give him the valor he needs to overcome his enemy. Evil seems to always get the bad side of things since it always gets conquered by God’s good side. Even though this is true, evil lives the high life for a long time. Grendel, Beowulf’s first opponent, killed thousands and thousands of men before he met his match. Evil comes from the monsters. They attack the good side by killing innocent men because they ... have a sense of alienation and just want to fit in. The point of view of the book Grendel allows the reader to see another side of Grendel. In Beowulf, Grendel is viewed as the antagonist and the evil villain. Grendel is both feared and hated in Beowulf. Upon reading Beowulf, the reader discovers Grendel as seen through the eyes of his terrified victims. King Hrothgar, leader of the Danes, fears his visits: â€Å"The renowned ruler, the prince of long famous, sat empty of joy; strong in might, he suffered, sorrowed for his men when they saw the track of the hateful monster, the evil spirit.† Hrothgar would dread the fatal nights when Grendel would dine on human flesh. The ruler understands that Grendel attacks his men out of spite and jealousy (The Two Faces of Grendel, 1). In reading Grendel and Beowulf, one can find many similarities in the way the events occur in the books, however because of contrasting points of view, the reader gets insight on the entire picture from two different sides. This allows the reader to better understand each book and its contents, such as their beliefs and the concept of good and evil, and acknowledge the ways the character Grendel can be described.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe Essay -- Biography

Edgar Allan Poe was a 19th century American poet, author, and critic. Poe is often described as a rebel against society and art-for-art's sake supporter who experimented in making his poems without didacticism and devoid of any meaning, but he is also respected as a genius in terms of his commitment to art and his ability to experiment with various forms of expressions (Fromm 304). In my opinion, Poe was not a rebel because he remained true to himself. Although he was influenced by traditional artists, he adapted this tradition to his personal being. Although he might have been perceived as a rebel against society because of his innovative views on the world, human beings, and poetry, I believe his work remains popular and influential today because he remained true to his style and personality. However, I agree that he was dedicated to art for art's sake because his main intention was to express himself through his work. Poe did not bother with popular styles and techniques, but he w as a master poet when it comes to adapting to different styles to convey his emotions appropriately. Overall, Poe's poetry displays sentimentalism because he puts all emphasis on emotions and no emphasis on logic, but it is not limited to optimism because he displays both positive and negative emotions, and he displays them often together using both extremes in a single poem. According to Poe's values, the only productive thinkers were both educated and imaginative, and he described poets as people who do not understand the mechanics behind the Universe's laws, but they can obtain these principles intuition (Osipova 25). Poe wrote his poetry according to his beliefs, and every poem he wrote was a reflection on his intuition's insights and his state o... ...riences in form of divine beauty, I believe the main limitation was his experiences through intuition because translating intuition into intellect cannot be complete. However, his sentimentalism and the ability to display the same situations and points from completely opposite emotional contexts remains one of his best qualities as a poet. It is still difficult to say if Poe was influenced by his emotions completely, or if his emotions were out of control, or if he could observe all experiences objectively. My personal impression is that Poe was an objective observer who could view the same object, person, situation, or experience from several viewpoints and express his impressions and insights through poetry. Although his alcoholism points out emotional difficulties in life, when it comes to poetry, Poe could completely control and express all emotions objectively.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Interest Groups :: essays research papers

Interest Groups Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, Inc. The Congressional Hispanic Caucus was organized in 1976 by five (5) Hispanic Congressmen: Herman Badillo (NY), Baltasar Corrada (PR), E. â€Å"Kika† de la Garza (TX), Henry B. Gonzalez (TX), and Edward Roybal (CA), to monitor legislative and other government activity that affects Hispanics. The Caucus was originally formed to serve as a legislative organization through which legislative action, as well as executive and judicial actions, could be monitored to ensure that the needs of Hispanics were being met. The founders’ goal was to work in conjunction with other groups, both inside and outside Congress, to strengthen the Federal commitment to Hispanic citizens and heighten the Hispanic community’s awareness of the operation and function of the American political system. It was the intention of these five (5) congressmen to develop educational programs and other activities that would increase the opportunities for Hispanics to participate in and contribute to the American political system. To carry out such programs, the Members of Congress established a private, non-partisan, non-profit organization. In 1978, the members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHS) established a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization to serve as an educational institute whose programs would serve the national Hispanic community. The mission of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) is to develop the nest generation of Latino leaders. Their vision is an educated and civically active Latino community who participates at the local, state, and federal policy decision-making levels. CHCI seeks to accomplish its mission by offering educational and leadership development programs, services, and activities that promote the growth of participants as effective professionals and strong leaders. In the spirit of building coalitions, CHCI seeks to establish partnerships with other Latino and non-Latino organizations. Today the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, Inc. has developed into an organization whose programs are designed to increase the participation of young Hispanics in both public and private sectors and to foster a network of young Hispanic leaders in government-related areas through the CHCI Alumni Association.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Muslim leaders in south Asia Essay

Muslim leaders in south Asia and northern Africa both had many issues and difficulties when it came to defining their nationalism as an empire. Both southern Asia and Northern Africa struggled politically, educationally, and religiously to define their nationalism. Both Northern Africa and Southern Asia struggled to define their empires nationalism because of political issues. (4,6). A Muslim Egyptian nationalist is speaking about how the east will never see eye to eye with the west. The Nationalist is saying how Egypt can never create nationalism if his country is at civil war, and cannot see eye to eye and agree on things. (4.) This personal bias is an issue because it is only giving an opinion of an eastern African citizen. A western African citizen could be feeling a complete opposite way about politics. This matters because a western African could have a solution to see eye to eye about politics, and completely fix the problem. It would help to see a document showing the opinion of a western African citizen saying how he feels about the east and the west agreeing on politics. Education was a big factor in South Asia and Southern Africa. (3,1). An educator of an oriental college is saying how people would rather chose to save and adopt Islam then to take in the new British education system. This creates nationalism in a way that Islam is looking for new education that will be better, and more innovative then the eastern education systems such as Great Britain. (1). People are more focused on religious ideologies then the actual educational facts that are shown that says an iaindian Muslim leader who was imprisoned several times for political activism. It defines nationalism by the actual facts instead of faith and religion. (3) I would like to see nationalism in the eyes of someone who is not Muslim or religious to see if they feel the same way about the western education systems. Southern Asia and Northern Africa both used religion and Islamic ideologies  and culture to create and define nationalism. (2,5) The Egyptians wanted to focus on their mother land to be their qibla, which marks the direction of mecca, to which a Muslim turns to pray. Egyptians wanted to focus on patriotism and suppress other ties. Religion helped them to do that. (2.) Ahmad lutfi is the founder of the Egyptian people. This is personal bias because he is the leader and thinks what he wants, and wants his people to d the same thing that he thinks. This creates nationalism because everyone is associating with the same thing within their country. (5) Nationalists want to push their ideology onto the people, this is personal bias. It would be beneficial to see an additional document of a political leader instead of just having one from a religious leader.

Everglades Research Paper

The Florida Everglades is the state’s most highly visited park in the state. The Everglades is also home to thousands of animals, reptiles, and plants. Many tourist travels just to get a glimpse of the many exotic reptiles. Although, the Everglades is very beautiful it’s also one of the most endangered parks in the state. The park is endangered from humans and land developments. The state has laws imposed to protect the everglades. In order for people to save and protect the Everglades there are things we have to do on part. Throughout this essay I will go into depth about the different species, human threats, and what we can do to protect one of our states natural wonders. The Florida Everglades formed from the Kissimmee River and Lake Okeechobee, this mass body of swamp lands stretch’s over 11,000 square feet. (U. S Department of, 2011). The Everglades has imbedded itself into our ecosystem, which has formed biological structure for the southern half of the state. Many, of the species depend the on the biological structure that the Everglades provides to the land. Many mammals such as the Florida Panther only found in the state and is classified as endangered species calls the Everglades home. Florida Panther depends on the warm weather and vast land to survive. The Florida Panther continues to be an endangered species because it has been hunted by tourist. Many, other mammals, such as deer’s, rabbits, and fox’s all depend on the biological structure found within the Everglades. The White Tail Deer, one of the most beautiful deer’s and highly favored in classic fairy tales such as Bambe. The White Tail Deer are commonly found in other parts of the world but In Florida the White Tailed Deer is particular smaller than the others found in the country. They are particularly smaller because they don’t have all the extra layers of fat, which other deer’s living in other parts of the country need to protect them from harsh winters. The White Tailed Deer depends on the biological structure for food; the deer’s feed on the saw grass found within the Everglades. The Marsh Rabbit is also found within the Everglades, is the most dominant member of the rabbit family found in Florida. The Marsh Rabbit depends on the biological structure for a couple of reasons. The rabbits depend on the wet marshes and pinelands, over the years they have adapted to the biological structure. The Marsh Rabbits are unlike many other rabbits, since they have adapted so well they have become great swimmers. Many tourists have claimed to see the Marsh Rabbit swimming within the marsh lands. Another, animal that has grown to the divine biological structure of the Everglades is the Gray Fox. The Gray Fox builds their home within the marsh lands, a den semi under the ground. The Gray Fox also is the only fox that can climb trees, this asset puts it above the other fox’s because it gives them a unique hunting ability. The Everglades are filled with hundreds of different mammals but the Everglades is also home to many different reptiles, tourist flock to the Everglades in hopes of catching a glimpse of the American Crocodile. The American Crocodile is one of the most well known reptiles hidden within the depths of the Everglades vast swamp. The American Crocodile is a predator and can be seen with a protective boarder, the crocodile depends heavenly on the biological structure of the Everglades. The swamp land doesn’t only help them prey on other animals but also keeps the crocodile from being prey. The American Crocodile is a huge reptile but it also is prey to hunters and snakes. Snakes are another reptile that rules the swamp lands of the Everglades. In recent reports Anaconda’s have been reported to be in the Everglades and they prey on all animals. Despite the different reptiles found within the swamp of the Everglades, many birds are commonly found within the Everglades. In the 1800’s John Audubon stated, â€Å"The sky was often darkened by the flocks of numerous birds above. (U. S Department of, 2011). Many birds would flock to the Everglades during the winter to escape harsh winters from up north. The Everglades skies aren’t filled with as many birds anymore due to numerous reasons. One of the saddest reasons that many animals and reptiles are losing their homes is because of humans and land development. The beautiful of the Everglades is simply breathing all the creatures and different plant life is a joyous site to witness. The beauty of the Everglades that past generations has witness isn’t the same that the current generations witness. As the years progress we continue to do more harm to our beloved Everglades. We continue to push our animals to relocate and find new homes because we take away their land for our own personal developments. The population continues to increase and that calls for newer and better developments, more and more of the Everglades is being taking away from plants and animals. This land that is being taken away from the plant and animal species is being turned into communities, shopping plazas, and other new buildings. The Everglades once rumored to be 22,000 square feet has over time become no more than 11,000 square feet. This major drop over years and years is a result of land development. The continuation of taking land away from our animal and plant life in the Everglades can result in horrible consequences. Animals will eventually be forced to find homes somewhere else and we will lose valued plant life. The land development has become a problem within the Everglades and we are destroying a treasured park in our state. As much as we are destroying our land, tourists are bringing even more problems to our Everglades. In the year of 2003 many viewers witness all over the world a snake devour a crocodile. Many, people sat shocked and watched the event reply on national news channels repeatedly and many of these viewed wondered how this could be happening in our Everglades. Since the beginning of time some people have loved to have exotic pets and many times with these exotic pets people don’t understand how to tame the animal. In consequence of not being fully aware of how to tame an animal decide to rid themselves of the animal by dumping them into the wild. The Burmese Python has become a favorite pet among many individuals and many of these individuals don’t understand how to tame the python. Many of this pythons has been found in the Everglades and other animals that don’t belong in the Everglades have been found. Animal dumping is increasing and people are using the Everglades as place to dump unwanted pets. The Burmese Python does not belong in the Everglades because it has an increasingly hungry appetite for other animals and the climate in the Everglades is the perfect climate for pythons. The pythons can survive in the Everglades climate and have many different animals to choose from to devour. Some estimates, there are now 150,000 pythons in the park and there is no doubt that pythons pose a grave threat to the fragile Everglades ecosystem. † (Scholastic Scope 2010) All these issues need to be addressed from the dumping of animals to land developments because we are in many ways destroying one of national treasures. There are many groups around the country and state devoted to helping our national parks. Unfortunately these groups can’t save our Everglades by themselves; they need assistance from community and state government. There are many ways to help protect the Everglades; the easiest form is by sending monetary denotations. Monetary donations help fund different projects and groups committed to saving the Everglades. Another, way for an individual to help save the Everglades is through volunteer work, taking time out of their schedule and help clean up the Everglades. Individuals can also write letter and petition our government to do more for our Everglades. The government has a great influence on people, they can do more to help protect the Everglades. Our Everglades is a national treasure and is beautiful park home to many different animals and plant life. The Everglades provide numerous benefits to our ecosystem. Many animals and plants depend on the Everglades and its habitat as a source of life. We as individuals have to protect that way of life for the animals and plants. In process of protecting the everglades for other species, we are also are helping to protect our ecosystem. The different situations in the Everglades can improve but it will take a full effort from parts. Protecting and providing homes for all the different species in the Everglades is very important and very fundamental to our lives.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Food Intake 3 Days

During my three day food intake I discovered that I only consumed 88 grams of protein. In these three meals I spent almost 40 dollars and I was short almost 100 grams of protein required for my weight. Four slices of pizza, and two double cheeseburgers produced the most protein. Oatmeal, beer, and coffee only counted for less than 10 grams. All six items consumed over the 3 day stretch accounted for carbohydrates. The items ranged from 10g to 100g of carbs. The only item with enough lipids was the McDonald’s oatmeal. The rest of the meals were relatively low. I need to make better planning to include more lipids into my health plan. According to the recommendation of the DRI and compared to my intake of protein, carbs, and lipid I failed to meet 100% percent of the minimum standards. I was less than 50% DRI for most of the nutrients. In fact only one out of the 35 nutrients only surpassed or reached 50%. I personally think that I need to consume more meals with adequate healthy nutrients. I would need to add more vegetables, fruits, and oils to my diet so I can achieve my goals. My calorie DRI was almost 4,000 and I just consumed 18% or almost 700 calories. I almost did good with carbohydrates meeting my DRI, but with protein I was at 17%, and with fat total I was at 33%. I was surprised that the numbers were not even close to my expectations. I understand that during these three days I didn’t meet my required DRI because I changed my diet for this assignment. I tried to limit my food intake and changed from healthy food to fast food, but nonetheless during some days this is what I have consumed during some occasions. It demonstrated that I was not anywhere near be healthy. I will need to increase my protein intake achieve my gym goals. If I was to eat little protein the muscle mass would turn to stored fat and have low energy. If I was to lose weight and I would stop exercising my fat would come back to the same level as before. For example my protein intake should be 62 grams according to my weight, but I didn’t consume any. I am very displeased to say that my fiber intake was at 0% percent. I did not consume any fruit or vegetables. When I was ordering my fast food I could have add vegetables and fruit to my pizza, oatmeal, but I didn’t. During my average day I would eat plenty of fruits such as apples, bananas, and oranges to cover my six meals. I would also eat vegetables in salads or with main meals. My favorite vegetable is spinach which is a great source of fiber. I try to stay away from fibers such as breads and such. According to the iprofile eating bananas and apples also produce great amounts of fibers which cover me in the fiber intake. Insufficient or excessive amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, or fiber contribute a lot my health and illnesses. To induce rapid weight loss the easiest way to do it is to eliminate carbohydrates for many people who are in a diet. Without carbohydrates people will be more moody because it loses serotonin. If I was to drink fruit juice instead of whole fruits I would lose all of the fiber. For example to produce 8oz of apple juice I would need 3-4 apples producing about 15grams of fiber, but all the fiber is taken out when its mixed into juice. Any fruit juice that will replace soda pop or you retain the skin or pulp than is ok too. Consumers just need to be careful when they are shopping for fruit juice. Sometime is better to juice it at home because the sugar level will be lower and you will still maintain all the nutrients. The more I read about nutrition the more I get interested about maintain myself healthy be eating healthy and rigorous training. This iprofile has opened my eyes to understand the nutrients I’m lacking or I am over consuming

Saturday, September 14, 2019

American Criminal Justice Systems and Functions

Criminal justice is the system of legislation, practices and institutions used by the federal, state and local governments to maintain social order by controlling crime and punishing those who violate the set laws with criminal penalties. In the past, the society had their own ways in which they controlled behavior of individuals and groups so that social order would be achieved. Most societies were controlled by norms, beliefs and values which ensured every individual or group confirmed to the societal set values. The indigenous societies sanctioned the members who did not conform to the societal values and norms.Type of sanction differed from society to society. In some societies, those who violated societal values by engaging in criminal and deviant behavior, for instance, rape, the individual in most societies was perceived as bad omen and the sanction included communication from society or burning the person into ashes. The sanctions encouraged conformity in the society (Cole, 1 999). In the modern times, norms still control behavior in some societies by immigration and intercultural interactions have limited the behavior control through norms.America in particular is inhabited by people from different nationalities and cultures and therefore becomes the ideal control tool for crime. American Criminal Justice systems present a uniform system that control behavior of individuals regardless of race, religion, culture or ethnic group and hence assist in maintaining social order in the American society. The Criminal justice policy in the United States has been guided by the 1967 president’s commission on law enforcement and administration of Justice which issued initial report† the challenge of crime in a free society.† The commission advocated a â€Å"systems† approach to criminal justice. The President’s commission defined criminal justice system as the means for society to â€Å"enforce the standards of conduct necessary to protect individuals and the community† (Cochranc, Melville and Marsh, 2004; Feinman, 1994) In America, the law enforcement agencies include police prosecutors, courts, defense attorney and corrections which are concerned with arrest, charging adjudication and punishment of those found guilty hence maintaining social order.In the ancient time, especially in the Middle Ages, common forms of punishments included exile, payment to victim in case of violent crimes, lack of payment attracted harsh penalties like corporal punishment in form of mutilation, flogging and sometimes execution. The present criminal justice systems try to ensure fairness and justice. Past data indicate that the society in US did not respect police as law enforcers until 1920. s when the police adopted new technology and placed emphasis on community policing following urban unrest.Introduction of comp stat in 1990s, in the police departments has assisted the police to track criminals and the criminal justice system hold police responsible for dealing with crime problems. The interaction between the police and the community through community policing has assisted in tracking criminals. Criminal law in America involves persecution of an individual by the government for committing an act that has been classified as a crime. Most crimes in the United States are established by local state and federal government.In a criminal case, the state through a prosecutor initiates the law suit and the offender jailed authorized to pay a fine or both. In American Justice System, crime may be classified as felony or misdemeanor. Felony includes serious offences like rape and murder which attract one or more year’s imprisonment. Misdemeanors include such crimes like petty theft which attract less than a year imprisonment as a way of correction. However, before any act is considered crime, it has to be established by statute or common law (Walker, 1993).Scholars have contributed a lot in the Ameri can Criminal justice system. Scholars through providing courses in criminology and psychology assist in explaining why some individuals engage in criminal behavior and classify different types of crimes like organized crime, white-color crime and juvenile crime. Sociologists have put forward classical conflict and positivist theories that explain why crime occurs and give remedies on how to curb the crimes and control further c criminal cases in the society. In America, crime is defined, classified, graded prohibited and punishable by the state.Criminal law in America is distinguished from all other kinds of law because it carries it the moral condemnation of all society. All crimes are an injury against the society because the society as a whole through its legislatures has made of collective judgment that certain behaviors are harmful to the societal interests’ (Walker, 1993) In the recent past, there have been occurrences of violent crimes which have promoted the governmen t to revise and classify c criminal acts. American legislature has classified the crimes in different categories and they attract different punishments.Treason, sedition and espionage are crimes that are committed against the state. The crimes indicate non-patriotism of the offenders and the government controls such crimes for the protection of natural security. Most offenders who are found guilty of the offence receive heavy punishment, for instance, corporal punishment which may include execution depending on the intensity of the offence. Murder, manslaughter, rape, kidnapping, assault and battery are crimes that are committed against persons. These crimes too fall under felony and the state ensures there is societal order and uniformity.The state punishes the offenders with the objective of protecting the persons against violence. Burglary, arson and home invasion are classified as crimes against habitation with the aim of protecting the safety and security of one’s home. The crimes too are considered felony and must be discouraged to ensure harmony in the society (Cole, 1999; Parker, 2006; Cochranc, Melville and Marsh 2004). Theft, larceny, robbery, vandalism, forgery, extortion, fraud and embezzlement are classified as crimes against property and are controlled to protect private property. Protection of property ensures there is harmony and order in the society.Disorderly conduct vagrancy, incitement too riot, motor vehicle offences and alcohol and drugs are classified as crimes against public order and are controlled to protect public peace, order and safety. Resisting arrest, obstruction of justice, bribery, escape and contempt of court are classified as crimes against administration of justice by legislature and are controlled to preserve honesty and efficiency of public administration. Prostitution, sodomy, obscenity, incest, indecent exposure, gambling alcohol and drugs are classified as crimes against public morals and they area controlled to ensure tradition morality is maintained.This will ensure that the society is morally upright. Bestiality and animal abuse are crimes against nature and the crime is regulated to maintain public health. Pollution, fishing and hunting, smoking and toxic waste dumping in America are crimes against environment and the state regulate them to preserve public health and natural environment. All crimes in US are â€Å"owned’ by the state which does prosecution in its own name to maintain societal order and harmony. Police are the first grouped the offender encounter first in criminal justice system (Walker, 1993; Cole, 1999). The police do investigation and arrest the offender.After the arrest the criminal is taken to court where justice is administered through court ruling. A prosecutor who acts on behalf of state then makes accusation of the individual against the state in criminals’ proceedings. The offender through his/her attorney can justify his innocence before a judg e or panel of judges or jury. In America, plea bargaining is allowed where the accused is given reduced punishment when he pleads guilty. In some cases, the justice system in America like any other justice system is prone to bias discrimination which is a threat to objective decision.After the curt ruling the offender is turned to correctional authorities when found guilty (Walker, 1993; Cole, 1999). In America, prisons are meant to reform criminals hence viewed as the best correctional authority. In America, the offenders may be required some set amount of fine to be set free or in conjunction with imprisonment. In the recent past, probation has become common where the individual mobility is limited together with opportunity to commit a crime while in prison; the prisoners are equipped with various manual skills that will assist then to live a productive life after prison.Also, there are other prisons where the prisoners are given religious ethics to assist them reform positively. Death penalty in America is rarely administered as many activists have argued that it violates the human rights of the criminals. American court system is based on English statutes. In the court, four groups are involved in criminal case proceeding. These include the offender, prosecutor, judge or panel or judges or jury and the attorney. American legislature is responsible for enacting statutes, for example criminal law which govern conduct of individuals, groups or organization.American court system is governed by rules of procedure. The criminal cases in the court require special contribution safeguards for the accused. In a criminal case, the party that brings a case is called the prosecutors and the person sued is called defendant. The American legal system allow defendant to be represented by a lawyer who should protect the interests of the person. If one cannot afford a lawyer, the state provides a lawyer. A jury in American court system listens to the evidence and determines the outcome based on substantive law as instructed by a judge.The judge in American court system acts as a reference by enforcing the rules and explaining the applicable law. Criminal court system in America is on top of the thirteen individual state judicial systems. The American constitution contains very little about criminal law. Criminal law is the collection of rules that identifies behavior that is condemned by the government with the aim of protecting the health and safety of American citizens and the state punishments with violation of the set rules (Feinman 1994; Parker, 2006). American criminal justice system is sometimes viewed to be unfair.Some cases of unfairness are genuine especially when there is discrimination based on race, religion and ethnic group. However, some cases of unfairness are based on misconception or due to conflict of law criminal. Most criminal defendants are not incarcerated for their crimes, not because the state lack resources to finance impriso nment, but because their offences are not insufficiently serious to warn imprisonment. Most crimes are directly related to lack of education, homelessness, mental illness, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, lack of proper parenting as opposed to evil motive.Therefore many judges, defense attorney and police officers are aware of the cause unless they are new in the career. However, American criminal justice advocate for constitution follow-up (Cole, 1999; Cochranc, Melville and Marsh, 2004). Judges in criminal cases act universally in a conservative manner. This means that most judges will not risk political fall out or destruction of their professional career for the sake of safeguarding individual defendant’s rights. Conservative ruling usually involves following constitution and state statute. It may also be based on public policy over settled constitutional and statutory law (Walker, 1993).In the American criminal justice system, it has been noted that 90% of criminals pl ead guilty hence trials are rare. Prosecutors in the criminal justice system represent the state and not individuals together with the judges. But judges represent the state in a different capacity from the prosecutor. Defense attorney represent the defendant rights. Jury is known to represent the people hence prosecutors prefer trial –by judge while defense attorney prefer trial by – jury (Cole, 1999; Parker, 2006) In conclusion, American criminal justice system is controlled by the American constitution and differs in the various states.The system is mainly meant to maintain order in society. References Cochrane, J. , Melville, G. , & Marsh, I. (2004). Criminal Justice: An Introduction to Philosophies, Theories and Practice. London: Routledge. Retrieved November 29, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=108764949 Cole, D. (1999). Discrimination and Denial: Systemic Racism in Ontario's Legal and Criminal Justice System, 1892-1961. Canadi an Journal of Criminology, 41(3), 428. Retrieved November 29, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5001287719 Feinman, C. (1994). Women in the Criminal Justice System (3rd ed.). Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. Retrieved November 29, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=15255576 Parker, M. (2006). Asphalt Justice: A Critique of the Criminal Justice System in America. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 37(3), 479+. Retrieved November 29, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5016038470 Walker, S. (1993). Taming the System: The Control of Discretion in Criminal Justice, 1950-1990. New York: Oxford University Press. Retrieved November 29, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=97471694

Friday, September 13, 2019

The family experiencing leukemia and a financial crisis Assignment

The family experiencing leukemia and a financial crisis - Assignment Example Furthermore, she is increasingly under stress of having to balance her role at work and acting as a caregiver for Peter in the hospital (Friedman, Bowden, & Jones, 2002). In addition, Maria is in a psychological and emotional dilemma on how to deal with her 8 year old daughter. Maria’s work and caregiver attention to Peter do not let her have enough time for dealing with her daughter’s emotional stress. Katy, the 8 year old child, is facing an emotional difficulty in coping with her brother’s diagnosis. Accordingly, she is affected by the lack of parental attention and thus acts out in anger both at school and at home. Furthermore, her disability in coping is exhibited by her reluctance to visit her brother in hospital (Pedia, 2012). Foremost, as a solution for Maria’s emotional coping stress, a referral to a support group is necessary. Consequently, she will be able to receive professional emotional support and coping mechanisms pertaining to the stressors resulting from caregiver role and taking care of her sick son (Friedman, Bowden, & Jones, 2002). In addition, Maria equally needs to seek social support from her church. This can be through church members who rotationally volunteer to assist her in household chores such as grocery or taking care of Katy whenever she is at work or at the hospital with Peter. In essence, Maria should be advised to seek the professional help from social workers that can assist her with a homemaker. The main purpose is to obtain a homemaker that can assist her with household chores while she is at work and consequently lower her caregiver stressors. Moreover, Maria needs to be furnished with a list of animal shelters that assist families in financial need by providing free food for their pets (Pedia, 2012). Both parents of Katy need to be advised by family psychiatrist on the need to devote some parental attention time for Katy. Furthermore, in providing parental attention to Katy they need to reassure

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Managing Contract Risks Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managing Contract Risks - Assignment Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that contract is a legal agreement which binds parties with the intention of performing obligations in exchange for substantial consideration which is generally done formally in writing or by verbal agreements. It is either bilateral or unilateral. The mutual assent of parties, however, gives rise to obligations between parties involved and breaches thereof are remedied by law either by payment of damages, otherwise known as monetary compensation. As an economic activity, contracts also consider the sociological, anthropological and environmental terms of the agreement. Contract moreover is described as an offer accepted by another party based on the meeting of minds and some evidence showing their mutual assents to discourage ambiguities of terms. The consideration inherent in this agreement is of value in exchange for goods and services that will be rendered or delivered. Such consideration must be sufficient on its own. A contract can be i llustrated in purchase agreements where one party delivers a thing or good in exchange for payment. Other examples can be mirrored in specific performance of services in exchange for just compensation or payment. This is evident in a contract of employment or in case of constructing facilities as in the case of hiring engineers to perform the actual construction. Generally, contracts are made if parties have the legal capacity to make a contract; the purpose is legally warranted and forms are legal; parties have the intention to create legal relations, and mutual consent is adduced. Under the law, the contract can be vitiated when one of the parties of the contract made an irreparable mistake; is legally incapacitated; if contact is exacted out of duress and undue influence; if the contract is done in unconscionability and of misrepresentation; and, contract frustrate the purpose.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Critically assess the impact of either the US, Israel or Iran on the Essay

Critically assess the impact of either the US, Israel or Iran on the regional politics of the Middle East - Essay Example The leaders of both countries have been successful in pursuing common goals on security through the development of closer relations which are based on shared religious affinities and democratic values (Migdalovitz 2006). Israel is the major recipient of U.S. aid and it purchases most of its weapon systems from America and in so doing Israel has been able to maintain a qualitative military edge in the Middle East. Israel is facing serious security threats from the Arab Spring presented by instabilities in Lebanon, Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, Syria and Jordan as these political movements are planning attacks on Israel. This move has made the relationship between Israel and U.S. to worsen given that Israel perceive that United States is not concerned about its welfare but just to attain its goal. However, it is the contribution of the US that has discouraged the outbreak of major Israel-Arab interstate conflict for over 40 years (Huband 2006). The U.S.-Israel relationship The relati onship between U.S. and Israel is not based on friendship but rather on different interests of the two countries in the Middle East. ... allistic missiles as well as bring to an end the Islamist inspired terrorism such as Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda and other Islamists and Jihadists groups. Given that the region has not experienced peace for a long time, the relationship is geared at enhancing a form of stability through promotion of pro-Western regimes like Jordan’s. In achieving this, the relationship will manage to restore peace and normalization between the Arab community and Israel since Israel has been in conflict with Palestine government for a considerable long time. The challenge facing the relationship is that they respond and prioritize to these challenges differently. The difference in strategies and policies preferred by the two countries has increasingly cause tension on the relationship as they are seen to undermine the interest of the other nation. For instance, Israel view American policy to be naivete in the Middle Eastern diplomacy as it brings more consequences to Israel. On the other hand, t he US considers Israel to be insufficiently attentive to its interests since most of its actions have been detrimental. The two states are different in some ways, as the US is a superpower whereas Israel is a regional power and this presents them with different concerns (Malka 2011). In respect to this, the two sides should be ready to accommodate each other regardless as in so doing; resentments and misunderstandings that have continually mounted the relationship will be dealt with. Honesty, openness and lesser partisan polemics will enhance sustenance of this relationship. The US-Israel relationship faces differences in the Arab Spring goal. After the revolutions took place in the Arab world that transforms the politics in middle east, the two countries found themselves supporting different

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Radio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Radio - Essay Example which broadcasting is carried out throughout the world and involves the airborne transmission of electromagnetic audio signals in the case of radio and audio and visual signals in case of televisions that can generally be accessed by a wide population through receivers (Biagi 2014, p.131). Broadcasting plays a crucial role in ideology, news values, social and cultural context as well as the political context as most people use them to address and tackle the issues affecting a country. The major reason for the use of broadcasting is its capacity to reach a large number of people or masses in the passing of information as well as entertainment. Broadcasting emerged as a remedy to the traditional or conventional means of sending information that was used previously. Radio developed as an improvement of the telegraph as an instantaneous system of information to address the desire of humans for a mode of communication free from the obstacles of long-distance transportation (Timmons 2005, p.53).   The first system developed by Guglielmo Marconi transmitted information which was picked about 3km away by a receiving device that had no connection to the transmitting device that demonstrated that electronic signals could be cast broadly through space and could be captured by receivers. As already stated, the radio transmits news through sounds also known as audio medium that is played on the radio for the audience. Radio broadcasts may range from as little as a few seconds to lengthy minutes and may include local or international news as well as entertainment that may be incorporated in the program to encourage a flow in the broadcasts. News plays an important role on radio such as contribution of flow and a source of content that may be social or c ultural as well as other contexts. News plays a major role in radio that may be grouped in such criteria as enabling citizenship, helping us know the world around us, facilitating the exchange of ideas and information, revealing

Monday, September 9, 2019

Ethics for Professionals - Professionals & Deception (Philosophy Essay

Ethics for Professionals - Professionals & Deception (Philosophy Topic) - Essay Example Ironically though, Nyberg (1993, p. 7) observes that despite all these public condemnations against lying and deception, everyone is actually privately culpable of it. Why so – he furthers that perhaps it is necessary to maintain equilibrium in people’s social relations, or possibly, it gives credence to moral decency. Meaning, although lying and deception is publicly acknowledged to be an immoral professional act, certain circumstances may compel or warrant professionals to resort to lying and deception. As Englehardt & Evans (1994) suggests, there are some instances when outright lying may be morally right and there may also be some instances when the simple act of not divulging information is morally wrong. Such is the heart of the matter – Is lying and deception justified in the conduct of one’s profession? Are professionals ever justified in, or even compelled to lie to or deceive their clients?  If so, in what context would this be morally permissible? If not, why? Is outright  lying worse than deception in the professions? Why would it be or would it not be? Is a professional ever entitled to lie to his/her  client, or to other people to protect the client? Such are seemingly easy questions? There may not be correct or wrong answers to them. Nevertheless, the issue of lying and deception in profession is one of the gray areas in professional ethics that warrant further inquiry and discussion. From the following definitions of lying – ‘No liar preserves faith in that about which he lies†¦ wishes that he to whom he lies have faith in him, but†¦ does not preserve faith by lying to him’ (Chisholm & Feehan 1977, p. 152); ‘A person lies when he asserts something to another which he believes to be false with the intention of getting the other to believe it to be true’ (Kupfer 1982, p. 104); ‘A person lies when he asserts a proposition he believes to be false’ (Fried 1978, p. 55); Lying is ‘making a statement believed to be

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Research Report,what was going on in the world at the time of my birth Essay

Research Report,what was going on in the world at the time of my birth - Essay Example However this did not pen out as hoped and eventually the leadership took complete control of the country and transformed it into a totalitarian state (Kenez 67). There were several issues that had not been foreseen during the creation of the unified state. Part of the group, that was not Russian, resisted assimilation into what would make them a Russian state, and these non-Russian groups made up over fifty percent of the population. The Soviet Union was also in an arms race against the United States of America which saw the economic plan that was drafted to drive the state forward fail. The ideology that this state was built on, that is communism, which was also a big failure as totalitarian rule dominated. Mikhail Gorbachev came into power with the aim of transforming the state, as political and economic issues plagued the soviet union and put it in stagnation mode (Daily Mail Reporter). Gorbachev drafted a reform policy that allowed freedom of speech and he also started to rebuild the economy of the country; sadly, the goals that he had set for the economy did not come to fruition as expected. Giving the people a voice worked against him, they used their new found freedom to criticize Gorbachev’s failure to improve their economy. Their anger was fueled even more by the bottled up emotions of their political past (Gottfried 14). The fall The crumble of the Soviet Union started slowly, first in the areas that were occupied by non-Russians. In 1987, there was a demand for autonomy from Estonia, which was later joined by Lithuania and Latvia. Gorbachev decided not to take any harsh steps against the people who had participated in the protest. The fact that allowing the masses their freedom to do as they will would mean that the Soviet Union had less chances of survival was not lost to him (Sommers 2013). In a short span of time, protests gathered momentum in the Soviet Union. In the southern part of the Soviet Union, the Armenians demanded that they be al lowed to leave the union and join their country, the republic of Armenia. Gorbachev’s government though, refused to give the Armenians the permission to leave. The situation turned into a dispute which became volatile and eventually into a fully fledged war. The result of the protests and wars was a weak soviet union but a group of communists decided to fight and save the Soviet Union from disintegrating. They organized a coup d’etat, this they did by kidnapping their ruler, Gorbachev, and then later announced that he was very ill and could not govern the country anymore (Darraj 85). This statement caused uproar in most of the cities of the Soviet Union and in a bid to restore some peace; the military was called to calm the people. The military also decided to go against the orders and rebelled, they said that they could not fire at their people. After a gruesome three days, the organizers of the coup decided to surrender after coming to conclusion that they could not win the battle without the help of the military. They did not have enough power against the masses in the absence of the military and therefore decided to surrender, and my grandfather, whom I interviewed, informed me of the uncertainty that was felt during this time. He also stated that people all over the world

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Gap between Management Theory and Practice Essay

Gap between Management Theory and Practice - Essay Example The evolution of the concept of management dates back to the early civilization. It is due to the art of effective management that those early civilizations produced marvelous wonders that are admired to date. There are many management theories that explain the different styles of management and their impact on the organization. Mason (2010) supported the argument and stated that there has always been a clash of opinions between the academicians, who develop theories of management, with actual professionals in the organizations. The basic difference has been described by Grayson. Management Scientists or researchers: develop management theories which guide the managers to become more organized and structured in their policies and procedures. They are expected to utilize scientific methodology, sociology for organizational decisions as well as people management.Managers: manage the operations and employees by their rule of thumb and need of the hour. They feel that standard theories of management cannot be applied to all instances and issues in a professional life. At times, the fast paced nature of modern business does not give leverage for standard policies and procedures to be developed and thus followed in a strict manner.

Friday, September 6, 2019

United States vs Mexico Essay Example for Free

United States vs Mexico Essay The United States of America and Mexico compare and contrast their differences when it comes to education, homeless rates, and their overall standard of living. The U. S and Mexico compare when it comes to homeless rates seeing as the numbers are increasing each year. As for education, Mexico lacks standard education, where as the United States has a higher standard for education. The overall standard of living in both countries is probably the biggest difference the two countries have. Mexico has many prosperous areas to it, but for the most part people who live in Mexico, live poor and on the streets. Children in Mexico usually have to get street jobs in order to help their families with poverty. The United States has its own level of poverty and economic issues, but Mexico has a much higher poverty rate and their money is worth less than the U. S dollar, making it hard to earn money from American tourists. These two standards of living are completely different from each other seeing as they both have different problems. Mexico and the United States share the same issues and values, but on different levels of greatness. The education in Mexico is very different from the education in the United States. They use different grade level systems and different national budgets for education. Both of these countries have successful educational programs, and have high standards. The grade level system Mexico uses is six grades in primary schools. Kindergarten is for the 5-6 year old age level. Then they begin first grade at 6-7 years old and sixth grade, which is the end of primary school, is for the 11-12 year olds. Then the Mexican students begin secondary school. Secondary school has three grades. First grade starts at age 12-13 and third grade is for 14-15 years old. Then they begin high school. This is called the beginning of middle higher education. High school, like secondary, has three grades. First grade is for 15-16 year olds and third grade, which is the end of high school, is for 17-18 years old. Finally the Universities take over. A bachelor’s degree takes four to five years to achieve, after that it takes two to three additional years to achieve a masters. The United States has a different education system than Mexico. Elementary school is from kindergarten to fifth grade, ages 5 to 10. Then it goes to middle school or junior high school which is grades sixth through eighth and ages 11 to 13. After that is high school which are grades ninth through twelfth which is ages 14 to 17 or 18. It is illegal in the United States not to go to school, but some immigrants do not have enough money to go to school. Most kids in Mexico do not go to school because of the money or because they need to work instead to help their family. America and Mexico have different laws and systems as far as the education systems go. There are over one million children in America who are not getting an education because they have no money and are also homeless. As many as 3. million Americans are homeless each year, one million being children. Most homeless people are families who have been thrust into series of unfortunate events that left them with no money. For those living in poverty or close to the poverty line, an everyday life issue that may be manageable for individuals with a higher income can be the final factor in placing them on the street. America can compare with Mexico because most people who are homeless in Mexico are families. Although Mexico has a lot of homeless families on the street, it has more homeless street kids. Six percent of children on the streets in Mexico are ages five to fourteen and about five percent of Mexicans are living on only $1 a day. There is a lot more people living in severe poverty in Mexico then there is in America, but it is easier for Mexicans to find cheap shelter, keeping them off the street. If they can figure out a way to make a few pesos, theyre free to do so. Some end up selling gum and bobble-headed toy turtles to tourists. Others hawk homemade tamales on local buses, with little fear of being turned in for a Food Safe violation. You see a lot more people on the streets of the U. S then the streets in Mexico, but people in Mexico are more vulnerable to poverty than people in the America. The United States in the past century has knocked down old apartments and turned them into million dollar condos, have knocked down shacks and banned beach camping, leaving people with just enough money to find food for their families on the streets. America has made it extremely hard to live with no money by over developing and knocking down the little shacks and old apartments when people do not have enough money to pay for the new higher end things. This has lead to many citizens turning to the streets or our parks for a home. There also is no way for them to make cheap money except for begging for it on the streets. Most people on the street do not even have money to buy crafts so they can make crafty nick-knacks to sell to the richer for profit. This makes the standard of living in America hard for people on the streets and for people who are very close to losing everything. Mexico has other options for homeless people which make it a little more sustainable to get by. Mexico still has abandoned sheds and shacks for people to live in and those people are able to sell the things they make to tourists. If you were to visit Mexico you may find little to no people on the streets because there are other more suitable places for these people. There are parts of Mexico that are developed and keep up with the industrialized world it is in, but there are also places that have not been touched by the modern world and stay untouched making it easier for more people to live. Mexico’s standard of living is easier in some cases and harder in others. Even though people find abandoned shacks to live, it is still extremely hard to survive in harsh living conditions. Mexico and the Unites States of America compare and contrast many issues and values. From what is explained above, most people struggle when it comes to money, education, and living standards. Some people go from having a house one day to sleeping on the streets with their families the next. Some kids have to work to help their families and some kids get the opportunity to get an education. Mexico and America both have education systems but with different grade levels and ages, they both have homeless citizens, but some conditions are worse than others, and they both have living standards that can be clean and dirty. Overall, Mexico and America both have equal comparisons to contrasts.

Southwest Airlines Essay Example for Free

Southwest Airlines Essay Background Summary Southwest Airlines based in Dallas was founded in 1967 by Rollin King and Herb Kelleher. It is one of the major domestic airliners which provides carrier and transportation service. This company has 35,499 employees and it runs over 500 Boeing 737 aircraft in 67 cities in the US. Southwest’s principal values are: Providing low-fare and short haul service. Offering the highest quality of customer service. Putting a lot of importance on the fair treatment to its customers. Building friendly relationship between its customers and employees.   Southwest Airlines has achieved a great position in the airline industry by adopting five important strategies. First, using the minor league airports which have helped the company to reduce traffic delays and increase passenger convenience. Second, flying one kind of aircraft has helped it to achieve lower training cost. Third, reducing turn-around time by using point-to-point strategy, has avoided the use of complicated reservation process system. Forth, not offering assigned seating and preferential treatment on frequent fliers, has led the company to have better ticket price. Lastly, emphasis on building good relationship between passengers and attendants has been a well valuable factor. Southwest uses a different kind of reward programs. For instance, the reward for frequent fliers includes free flights according to the number of flights; which means if you fly eight round trips or sixteen one way trips, you will get one free round trip ticket. In addition the company offers free drink coupons, toll-free reservations phone numbers, and credit with a preferred partner, which means if you take fifty round trips in a year, you can designate one person to travel with you for one year. Southwest Airlines main competitors are: Continental Airlines, USAir ways, Delta, United airlines, and American Airlines. As you can see in the table below, the current days have been really challenging for the industry. However Southwest has been able to increase its operating revenues. Southwest decided to go public in 1977 with the ticker symbol LUV. The company gained $11,023 million in 2008, and today its stock price reaches $9.83. Its strategy as an egalitarian company has let the company achieve success. However some frequent passengers have raised some questions about the policy of avoiding preferential treatment for its loyal customers. Major problem The Southwest Airlines major problem is the threat to lose some of its frequent customers. The case illustrates two opposite kinds of frequent passengers: The first one is William Mark, who loves almost everything that Southwest provides such as: the opportunity to come earlier and have a great seat, the absence of meals, and the ticket prices. The other one is Liz Bast, who loves the policy of using minor league airports, but has complaints related to the ways of seat assignment, the rules about upgrading restricted tickets, and she wishes to have preferential treatment, especially because she flies more than 100.000 miles per year. The customers like Liz Bast might be looking for another airliner company. Therefore, Southwest needs to figure out one strategy which helps to avoid this problem. Contributing Factors: The threat to lose some of Southwest’s frequent customers is caused by five factors: Recheck-in baggage: Passengers with connected flight who are going to switch to another airline have to pick up their checked baggage and recheck-in with the next airline. No assigned seats for passengers: Southwest used first-come first-served system in seats assignment, which means people who arrived first will get the better seats. This is an issue because passengers might easily change their preferences and fly with other airlines. For example, Liz Bast is a frequent customer of Southwest Airlines, but because she is always busy she comes late to her flights and the company cannot offer her the seat she wanted. Liz’s problem will be solved if she could book a specific seat and this service is not valid at Southwest Airlines. Rewards count on trips number: there is no credit given to passengers on how many miles they flew, but free flights are offered according to the number of trips taken. Therefore, customers could choose Southwest Airlines for only short flights because the length of flight is not a factor in the company reward system. Restricted fare tickets: Passengers with restricted fare tickets cannot use their tickets if they missed the flight without paying the difference even if they were  frequent customers. This strict policy gives the customers a feeling that the company does not value their business. High competition in the industry: 2001 was so difficult for airlines industry, the Southwest’s competitors might be thinking of attracting its loyal customers for their benefits. Advantages and Disadvantages of Potential Solutions First Solution: Southwest Airlines makes an advertisement campaign, which emphasizes not only its low fare but also high quality customer service. Advantages: It will help increase the company’s image and awareness. If the company construct a good advertisement campaign, it will increase its sales and that will lead to increase the company’s revenue It will be a good communication tool for the company to reach out to its costumers and let them know about the company’s value. Disadvantage: The campaign might increase sales, but it would not give what frequent customers really want. The campaign will be costly and it is possible for Southwest to spend a fortune on it and get a little profit. Second Solution: Southwest changes its policies on seat assignment and ticket restrictions in two ways: By paying $25 extra fee, the customers can choose their seat. For frequent customers, who have flown more than five times per year, there will be no charge on their restricted fare tickets if they miss their flight. Advantage: Using this strategy we think that Southwest might retain costumers who expected to be treated with some priorities or differentiation. Likewise, we consider that with this strategy the company might increase its incomes, and also attract some clients of its competitors. Disadvantage: The company identity will be changed from an egalitarian company to a privilege one. Therefore, this policy might confuse clients about what the  real target is. Recommendation: We suggest the second solution, which is to change the company’s policies on seat assignment and ticket restrictions, for five reasons: First, the main problem will be solved by giving clients, such as Liz Bast, the opportunity to decide their seats with extra fee. In addition, this solution will keep the company’s customers more satisfied and at the same time increasing their loyalty. Second, solution number two will increase the company’s revenues. According to The Wall Street Journal1, by receiving extra fee on assigning seats, Southwest could add seven hundred fifty million dollars ($750.000.000) in its year revenues. Third, if you take a look at first solution, you can see that it will increase the awareness of the company products, offers, and strengthen the company’s image. However, it will bring more costs to the company by spending more money on its advertising campaign Forth, it is a long-term solution. By giving an advantage to the customers who make their reservation earlier, Southwest will strengthen its position among competitors, and the major problem will be solved. Finally, with the second solution, Southwest airlines should focus more on its customers reward system and improve it. Moreover, in a very competitive sector where Southwest operates, it must rely on customer’s loyalty and with such reward system it should attract more customers.