Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The PR Function Video Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The PR Function Video - Essay Example PR exists in effective communications and is most importantly under control of the media (Smith & Place, 2013). Business enterprises use the media to promote brands and images. Such undertakings continuously engage the public to identify with the respective companies. There exist numerous PR strategies. Notably, reputation of an organization is always at a stake whenever it or its stakeholders engage in activities that activities that might compromise public image. Therefore, every company must engage relevant agencies in building self-image and restoring public trust. Publicizing a business is only effective if the consumer response is positive and the target audience take no offense for the nature of brand display (Smith & Navarro, 2014). PR differs from advertising concerning the control of marketing media. For instance, a company has full control over what is put forward for the audience in advertising. Whether in television of newspaper columns, business dictates the kind of images to use for brand or service promotion. On the contrary, there are regulatory mechanisms for PR that restricts businesses. Such limitations mostly focus on protecting the audience (Bernays, 2013).The image of a company is highly significant than promoting products. Believability is the most important aspect of PR. Papasolomou, I., Thrassou, A., Vrontis, D., & Sabova, M. (2014). Marketing public relations: A consumer-focused strategic perspective. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 13 (1), 5-24. doi:10.1362/147539214X14024779343631 Smith, B. G., & Place, K. R. (2013). Integrating Power? Evaluating Public Relations Influence in an Integrated Communication Structure. Journal of Public Relations Research, 25(2), 168-187.

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